The Ultimate Collection –

The Ultimate Collection is a game where your goal is to collect as many cards as possible. It’s also an art project, designed by Dan Gray and Jake Giannoules for the Game Art Society (GAS). What makes this particular game unique? The cards feature images of classic games from various epochs and eras, making it a time capsule in physical form.

The “The Ultimate Collection – Jewellery” is a collection of jewelry that has been put together by the designers at The Ultimate Collection. The collection contains rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

The Ultimate Collection –

Shane is like horseradish: it takes a while to get used to him.

Even though he’s irritable, unpleasant, and sick, he appears to have developed a cult following in the Stardew Valley community. But, because I’m a writer, not a therapist, I’m not going to dissect it.

So here are a few tweaks to help you better your Shane-obsessed gaming (or, dare I say, shaneplay).


Shane Girl is number ten.

Shane Girl Mod for Stardew Valley

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You had to know this was going to happen, dear reader.

Everyone knows that if anything exists, a genderbent version of it exists as well.

Even for our beloved Shane, this stays true. In this situation, maybe a Shania?

This mod could be perfect for you if you want your drunken chicken farmers to be female.

It redoes both the sprites and the portraits, making it a highly complete mod. Shane’s dialogue is also changed to reflect his gender.


Shane gets a new dialogue.

New Dialogue for Shane Stardew Valley mod

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Hey there, you! You, of course!

Are you sick of hearing the same stale, low-effort voice lines over and over again?

You definitely shouldn’t have married Shane in the first place, but I’ve got a Band-Aid for you.

This hack adds roughly 75 more lines to the guy’s voice. When you click on him now, you may receive a bit more than “buhh…”

Man, you need to stop eating pizza rolls.

I’m sure Leah will be able to provide you with a salad.


8. Make Shane’s room presentable.

Clean Shane’s Room Mod for Stardew Valley

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Listen, I understand.

When you’re suffering from debilitating depression, like Shane is, it’s difficult to keep a place tidy.

Download this mod to give the man a vacation from cleaning (or, most likely, simply living in his nest).

It arranges things neatly by getting rid of the laundry and spilled beer, muddy footprints, and miscellaneous garbage that simply sits around.


Shane’s New Job No. 7

Shane’s New Job Stardew Valley mod

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Working at Joja Mart would be a nightmare.

Unemployment, on the other hand, isn’t a pleasant experience – a notion mirrored by Shane himself.

This hack makes it such that once the community center is finished and Joja Mart closes, Shane starts working at the Saloon.

While I’m not certain that working at a bar is the best thing for Shane’s health, it has to be better than lounging around all day. Gus and Emily, at the very least, would be kind to him!


Better Married is number six. Shane

Better Married Shane Mod for Stardew Valley

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So, have you ever noticed how strange Shane becomes when you marry him?

He often behaves as though he doesn’t like you, even when you have max hearts. It’s a little disturbing, given how eager he was to be married in the first place.

I understand that, apart from the farmer, there are only around six single ladies in town, but please.

This patch alters his conversation to make it seem as though he genuinely likes his wife. Other villagers will also make remarks about your marital status.

There’s even a method to make it so that everyone remembers your wedding anniversary!


5. Revisions to the Marriage Dialogue

Marriage Dialogue Overhaul Stardew Valley mod

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Here’s another patch that’s pretty similar to the prior one, but this time we’re focusing on modifying the way Shane speaks now that he’s married (read: making married Shane communicate).

This patch adds 95 additional lines of conversation to the game, making it a rather extensive and complete mod.

Instead of the surly, cranky jerk that vanilla Stardew delivers after marriage, you’ll be able to converse to the nicer Shane you (supposedly) fell for.


4. Shane’s Alternative Outfit

Alternative Shane Outfit Mod for Stardew Valley

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Here’s a quick update that just alters Shane’s clothes.

He’ll now be dressed in a brown jacket and jeans.

This mod could be for you if you felt his shorts and hoodie combination was a little unattractive.

With this makeover, he truly looks good! Sometimes it’s only a matter of adding some fresh threads to spice things up. Shane, you rock!


Shane’s White Coop and White Mailbox are three of Shane’s white coops and white mailboxes.

Shane’s White Coop and White Mailbox Stardew Valley mod

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Here’s another little fix, but it’s a really lovely one.

This mod replaces the vanilla coop with a gorgeous cottagecore-style white one, rather than having an odd ugly one.

The default mailbox is also changed to match!

It’s really nice for when you want a soft & aesthetically pleasing farm, rather than the typical farmcore style. Which there’s nothing wrong with, of course.


Shane, the Non-Alcoholic

Non-Alcoholic Shane Mod for Stardew Valley

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Stardew Valley does an excellent job of dealing with such a tough subject as alcoholism.

It isn’t simple, but that is a better option than the alternative. Shane takes a break from drinking for a while, but then returns to it with greater restraint.

However, there are a variety of reasons why it may not be something some people want in their games, so here’s a mod that completely eliminates that.

Shane will quit drinking for good after he has stopped drinking. Joja Cola is the sole beverage available.


1. Shane Portraits with a Twist

Alternative Shane Portraits Stardew Valley mod

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I would never have dunked on Shane so hard if the game had began with this as the picture – because holy moly.

Shane looks fantastic, not to mention the art style.

He now seems to be lot more mature – and, to be honest, much more beautiful.

Even if you don’t intend to utilize the mod on a daily basis, the aesthetics alone are worth checking out.

The “we’ve had enough” is a game that was released by Ubisoft. The game has been downloaded over 1 billion times and has received an average of 4 stars on the Google Play Store.

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