The White Knights Strike Back: A Star Citizen Story

This is an in-depth look into the recent “White Knights” controversy surrounding Star Citizen and how it has resonated throughout the gaming industry. It’s a cautionary tale of where things could go wrong if organizations don’t adopt more transparent practices when dealing with passionate consumers who have their own ideas about what they want to experience.

“The White Knights Strike Back: A Star Citizen Story” is a fan fiction that takes place in the “Star Citizen” universe. The story follows the white knights as they fight back against their enemies. The author of this piece has written many other stories in the same universe, and all are worth your time to read.

The White Knights Strike Back: A Star Citizen Story

Gamingtodaynews1b - The White Knights Strike Back: A Star Citizen Story

Because supporters were screaming too much about missing deadlines, CIG gutted and eliminated their development plan for improving the 10-year-old alpha Star Citizen last week, which was understandable and reasonable. Which is fair, since the dates were set for the sake of selling ships, not as a guarantee. This subreddit previously has a pretty informative discussion about these irrational criticisms, but I believe it does not reflect the Star Citizen community.

As a result, I’d like to present a few of our beloved leader Chris Roberts’ most devoted followers’ favorite songs from this week:

  • CIG’s thesis has been confirmed by the response to the roadmap roundup, and I am appalled. Grow the fuck up, fuck up, fuck up, fuck up

  • I’m sick of seeing folks moan about CIG delays all the time, then seeing Pikachu’s startled expression whenever anything is shifted or delayed. It’s the same folks, too. Every week, every week, every week, every week, every week, every week, every So, getting rid of everything on the release view patch and applying it immediately was the proper decision.

  • You may be guaranteed that pressuring developers and firm management will lead to a development schedule closure. We may still have ISC, but employers may feel compelled to defend their employees. So Relaxed.

  • For some, it may be unpleasant – like taking off a band-aid – but the Release View should never have been in the first place. This adjustment to the Roadmap is the right one, and I applaud CIG for making the difficult decisions, since I’m sure the internet will be whining about it for a few days. Then you forget about it. This is the new standard of living.

  • Keep your cool and keep flying.

  • Since its announcement, the roadmap has served as a marketing tool. That’s all there is to it. It is used by CIG to create many hypes. In comparison to freshly announced patches, what really arrives to the following patch is often a completely different thing. There’s one thing you can bank on: something will appear. That’s all it need. It’s safe to assume that they’ll contribute to the Star Citizen concept in some way. That’s all that counts. Don’t be concerned.

  • SC isn’t a game, and you aren’t purchasing one. You’re investing in a man’s fantasy. I was aware of this when I purchased it, and I apologize to anyone who were unaware. However, if you continue to promote criticism, you will not be able to acquire the game any sooner. I no longer worry about the dates CIG releases since I know they are under pressure to do so. This game will be ready when it’s ready, possibly the only game that can make that claim, and I’m ok with that. When you purchase SC, you will get this. If you believe differently, you are either insane or just uninformed.

  • Simply said, CIG is more transparent than any other gaming studio, and I’ve been really pleased with them since joining. It’s OK to feel frustrated, but stay grounded and keep things in perspective. This is an Alpha project that currently has more material than most comparable games, and updates will continue to arrive.

  • The brigade is authentic. SC Refund infants are responsible for 90% of the complaint threads. It’s insane how much time and effort these folks spend into despising a $45 video game LMAO. If you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for virtual spacecraft and are experiencing buyer’s remorse, it’s all your fault. Accept responsibility for your purchase and proceed as an adult.

  • This isn’t GaaS, nor is it RDR2, nor is it Cyberpunk 2077. It will not be completed in ten years. It’s not possible. It has a considerably broader reach. There will be a slipping of features. There will be no more episodes. Things shift. It’s not even one game; we’re talking about two games. Made by a developer with no prior experience, such as Rockstar or CDProjekt… Then there’s CR, who’s in charge. He has a track record. He’s a dreamer, and his fantasies need regular updates, shifting goalposts, and dynamic growth.

  • They can’t say when additional features will be available beyond the next quarter because they actually — and honestly — have no idea. How could they possibly know? This thing is so incredibly convoluted, with so many interdependencies, that no one individual can properly get their head around it and comprehend it to the point where they can answer the question “when will it be finished?”

  • I work in software development, so I understand user dissatisfaction with missed deadlines, but the level of whining here has been incredible. If folks are angry that features aren’t being released, I recommend going to CIG’s jobs website. There are 128 vacancies available. Be the change you wish to see in the world!

  • I don’t believe it’s worth the time and effort to repeatedly whine about delays and missed deadlines before we grab our pitchforks and revolt. For this game, there is a vision. It’s a fantasy. We have the good fortune to be able to walk (or fly) in this dream. This is a dream that we all wish to come true. Chris Roberts will go to any length to realize his ambition.

There’s more where that came from as well! I didn’t dare to enter the discussion area — do so at your own peril. Down in the depths, matey, there are big whales.

Original source: link

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The “what happened to white knight chronicles” is a story of the White Knights Strike Back. The White Knights are a group of elite navy pilots that work for the United Nations Space Command. They’re known for their ability to take on any mission, anywhere, anytime. But when they come across an alien race that has been attacking human ships in space, it’s not just another mission.

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