The Ultimate Collection –

The Ultimate Collection is our monthly compilation of some of the best content around on different gaming platforms. It’s a particularly good list for PS4 owners as it includes games from the PlayStation Store only. Check out this month’s The Ultimate Collection and get in your game!

The “the ultimate collection black sabbath” is a compilation by the band Black Sabbath. The album features songs from every era of the bands career.

The Ultimate Collection –

Sebastian, oh, Sebastian.

The residents of Stardew Valley’s fan favorite, by a long shot.

Something about a motorcycle-riding, programming, somewhat misanthropic bad guy seems to appeal to the gaming community.

But consider this: what if the tiniest emo in the world might be much better?

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Sebastian’s Hair Is Shorter

Shorter Hair Sebastian Stardew Valley mod

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Some people like Sebastian’s long hair, while others reportedly despise it.

His bangs have been criticized as being a touch too “2008 MySpace,” and I can’t say I disagree.

You’d think that having hair in the way of someone who needs to use their eyes so much for their profession would be a major annoyance, right?

This is a quick tweak to trim his bangs just a smidgeon.

It’s visible on his front, rear, and side sprites, indicating that it’s quite constant.

Give this mod a try if you’re just looking for minor tweaks.


Sebastian Cutscene No. 9

Extra Sebastian Cutscene Mod for Stardew Valley

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Sebastian features some very fantastic cutscenes.

Observing him fiddle with his bike, get irritated by friends bothering him as he works from home, and so on.

But we’re a ravenous community, and there’s never enough!

When you reach the eighth heart with Sebastian, this mod adds a new cutscene.

I’m not going to tell you what happens, so start storing your frozen tears now so you can watch it for yourself!


Sebastian, female, number eight

Female Sebastian Stardew Valley mod

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You, dear reader, were probably expecting this post.

For those of you who follow Rule 63, Nexus Mods includes a plethora of gender bender remedies.

Mister Sebastian gets transformed into a female in this one.

Nothing else seems to have changed but the sprites and pictures.

Female Sebastian, to be fair, is cute.

So, if you’re looking for a female version of Pelican Town’s resident emo, give this a go.


Sebastian’s Marriage Expansion

Marriage Expansion for Sebastian Mod for Stardew Valley

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As the game progresses, Stardew Valley suffers from an unfortunate lack of substance.

Once the Community Center is completed, you’ve completed fourth year, and you’ve become friends with all of the locals, that’s pretty much it.

Marriage is a similar beast.

You’ll hear the same manufactured voice lines for the rest of your life if you marry a bachelor or bachelorette.

I’m sure there’s a joke to be made about that being the usual in a marriage, but one modder has come up with a way to make your imaginary wedding last longer!

Install this mod to add a lot extra talk and a few unique events to prevent your marriage with Sebastian from becoming boring.


6. A new hairstyle and a motorcycle jacket

New Hair and Moto Jacket Stardew Valley mod

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This is a straightforward update that just changes Sebastian’s pictures and sprites.

For those of us in the fandom who like our bachelors a bit older, Sebastian now has a much more mature appearance, complete with a sleek new motorcycle jacket and a new cut.

It’s incredibly great because, despite his obvious age, he still looks like the vanilla version.

It’s as though he’s matured rather than having cosmetic surgery. Neat!


5. Dialogue between Doki and Doki

Doki Doki Dialogue in Stardew Valley

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Remember how I mentioned there’s only so much speech until the same voice lines repeat themselves indefinitely?

Another mod that adds some new lines for Sebastian to help freshen things up.

There are 15 new lines here that were inspired by Harvest Moon’s mushy lovey ones.

Get some cool water to drink since the mod promises to make you “giggle and blush.”


4. Taller & Cuter Sebastian

Taller & Cuter Sebastian Stardew Valley mod

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In my perspective, the Stardew community is quite amusing.

Sebastian was made “taller and cuter” thanks to this modder’s sprite patch.

I mean, I had no idea Sebastian wasn’t tall, but whatever.

Sebastian is brightened and given a few inches of height, as well as a small recoloring.

If you’re not a fan of short kings, give this mod a go.


3. Recoloring Sebastian’s Baby

Sebastian’s Baby Recolor Mod for Stardew Valley

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Isn’t it strange how the farmer’s child always looks the same, no matter who you marry?

Well, this gives the infant a Sebastian-like appearance, which is nice to behold.

Your future bundle of joy will have very dark hair and complexion, much like their dad, who is an English child.

Every life stage is represented by a new sprite, from newborn to toddler, making it rather detailed and complete.

It’s too bad they can’t grow up and become a new villager every year!


Sebastian’s Garage No. 2

Sebastian’s Garage Stardew Valley mod

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I’m not sure how knowledgeable you are about motorbikes, but no serious rider would ever, ever leave his bike out in the open air as Sebastian does when he moves in with the farmer. EVER.

To keep the poor man’s bike out of the weather, this mod constructs a little shelter around it.

Can you imaging how much rust there would be? Do you think he lives in a barnyard? Oh, no…

Realism isn’t always a negative thing in Stardew.


Sebastian’s Father is #1.

Sebastian’s Father Mod for Stardew Valley

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One thing I’ve always thought was lacking in Sebastian’s tale was a bit more background information.

We know he’s not thrilled about Demetrius and is wary about Robin remarrying him, but we don’t hear anything about his biological father.

This modder obviously agreed, so they changed his character to incorporate some information about Sebastian’s father.

If you decide to download this one, have some tears ready since it is a heartbreaking tale.

The “ultimate collection meaning” is a game that includes multiple games, such as the original “Super Mario Bros.” and “Super Mario 64”.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Is Michael Jackson the ultimate collection worth?

A: This collection is worth about $100 dollars.

What is Ultimate Collection?

A: The Ultimate Collection is a bundle that has every song in the game. Its also available on PC and Mac, as well as PS4.

What album is Sade Love Is Found on?

A: Sades album is titled Stronger Than Pride.

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