OlliOlli World Brings Chill Vibes and Top-of-the-Line Skateboarding

OlliOlli World is an arcade skating game developed by Roll7 and released on October 27, 2015. The goal of the game is to have fun while riding a skateboard in various environments with cool music. This post will provide an overview of OlliOlli World’s gameplay before diving into its pros and cons.,

The “OlliOlli World” is a new game that has been released by the makers of OlliOlli. The game brings chill vibes and top-of-the-line skateboarding. It has received an overall rating of 4 stars on the App Store.

OlliOlli World brings chill vibes and top-of-the-line skateboarding – Review

Here’s a confession: I don’t believe I’ve ever rode a skateboard effectively in real life. I’m much too clumsy, and I’m certain I’ll smack my skull on the ground the moment I push off. Like those Playdough toys that converted clay into McDonald’s french fries, my brain will burst out of my ears. It’s an irrational dread, yet it’s all I can think about when confronted with one of those four-wheeled scooters.

Rather than endangering my own life and limb, I rather prefer to go digital. Up until they began branching off into odd peripherals, I grew up playing every Tony Hawk game. I’ve lately spent a lot of time in Skater XL fooling around with a single line. Skateboarding games are insanely cool, even though I’m much too scared to do it in real life.

As a result, OlliOlli World was one of the most anticipated announcements in recent years. A game that promised to take the series’ tight gameplay and place it in a larger open-world setting? Please add me to the list. Fortunately, OlliOlli World exceeds my expectations, smashing them into a million pieces with brilliant design choices and flawless skating.

Skateboarding’s version of Dark Souls

OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

There are a few things that the Souls games are renowned for. Combat that is brutal but fair, and worlds that interact in unexpected ways, are two of the most significant. OlliOlli World continues in their footsteps, requiring precise timing and a bewildering number of connecting lines to skate.

Skating has always felt amazing with the OlliOlli series. The amount of depth the Roll7 team was able to squeeze out of the minimal control system was astounding even when the first game was launched on Vita. Roll7 is able to cram in everything a top-tier skating game requires now that it completely utilizes a controller (even on PC, you can’t play without one).

OlliOlli World, on the other hand, does not offer you the whole toolbox right away. The game is divided into five separate worlds, with tutorials still available in the fourth. This may be irritating to long-time fans, but it provides the levels a feeling of progression, allowing new players to gradually add to their arsenal. Furthermore, the early stages do not prevent you from performing the majority of the crucial actions. You may start at the first level if you know how to make a manual. The game just does not anticipate you to use them until much later in the game.

1643900971_725_OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

Riding a straight path across a level becomes significantly more difficult as the game progresses. If you want to get a high score, you’ll need to be completely focused for many minutes at a time. You’ll need to keep a combination going for a whole level if you want to beat the Local Heroes’ top scores and gain new cosmetics. That’s a difficult endeavor, but Roll7 does an excellent job of guiding you through it. There were a couple concepts at the conclusion of the game that weren’t properly described, but after a few rounds of slamming my board into them, I was able to figure them out.

Levels that continuously entice you to push and prod at the edges as you search for the ideal line are added to the tight skating. Aside from beating each Local Hero’s top score, each level contains three challenges that will put you to the test in a variety of ways. These may be as easy as hitting three advanced tricks in a single combination or as challenging as finding a path that allows you to give an NPC five high fives in a single combo.

Although not every level is equally difficult, the majority of them have offshoots that OlliOlli World refers to as “Gnarly Routes.” These branching pathways lead to extra difficulties and hidden side tasks in a few spots. You can see how the level loops around itself while skating, allowing you to go back on a future run to attempt to locate the other way. It’s a spectacle of nasty skating runs as well as a tubular level design trick that provides players lots of reasons to return to levels.

We’ve arrived in Gnarlandia.

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You’ll be able to enjoy one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory while exploring these levels. I’m not generally one to listen to video game music in my spare time, but the rhythms in OlliOlli World are so relaxing that I kept it running in the background whenever I wasn’t playing. It’s the ideal compliment to the fast-paced action, leaving you in a near-zen-like condition while you fail line after line.

The game is also visually appealing. The pastel hues match perfectly with the game’s laid-back mood, and the unlockable cosmetics are abundant and skater-friendly. Yes, there are a few oddballs in there, but if you want to channel your inner Bob Burnquist and put on your favorite shirt and cargo shorts, it’s all there (albeit with a fake brand). Even if you don’t like your current appearance, you can always swap things up since you’re continuously unlocking new items. The icing on the cake is that, unlike many other games, you won’t be charged extra for any of it.

The plot is just sort of there, which may be the game’s one flaw. It’s hardly groundbreaking, but that’s not why you’ve come to this game in the first place. The worst I can say about this story about aspiring to be the next Skate Wizard and meeting the Skate Gods of Gnarlandia is that it’s easy to skip. That just means more skating, which I don’t consider to be a negative thing.

The final decision

1643900972_104_OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

OlliOlli World is everything you’d expect from a superb skating game. It combines precise controls with a captivating universe, as well as an endlessly replayable music and relaxing aesthetics. The tale may not blow you away, but that’s not necessary when the skating is this amazing. This is a must-play whether you’re a lover of the sport or just like fantastic action games.

+ You’ll feel in control of every triumph and error thanks to the tight gameplay.
+ Levels that are well constructed and packed with potential
+ Beautiful art and cosmetics that are a wonderful match for skate culture
+ The music is jam-packed with hits.
I was perplexed by a few unexplained mechanics.
It’s a mediocre narrative, but that’s not why you’re here.


One of the latest additions to skateboarding games is OlliOlli which offers a different take on what you would typically find. By mixing in the 2D platforming and 3D environment, it has become one of my favorite mini-games to play while I’m just chilling out. A mix that’s refreshingly new for sure!

“OlliOlli World brings chill vibes and top-of-the-line skateboarding” is an overview of the game “OlliOlli”. The game was developed by Roll7 and published by EA. The game is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Linux. It’s also available for iOS and Android.

OlliOlli World brings chill vibes and top-of-the-line skateboarding – Review

Here’s a confession: I don’t believe I’ve ever rode a skateboard effectively in real life. I’m much too clumsy, and I’m certain I’ll smack my skull on the ground the moment I push off. Like those Playdough toys that converted clay into McDonald’s french fries, my brain will burst out of my ears. It’s an irrational dread, yet it’s all I can think about when confronted with one of those four-wheeled scooters.

Rather than endangering my own life and limb, I rather prefer to go digital. Up until they began branching off into odd peripherals, I grew up playing every Tony Hawk game. I’ve lately spent a lot of time in Skater XL fooling around with a single line. Skateboarding games are insanely cool, even though I’m much too scared to do it in real life.

As a result, OlliOlli World was one of the most anticipated announcements in recent years. A game that promised to take the series’ tight gameplay and place it in a larger open-world setting? Please add me to the list. Fortunately, OlliOlli World exceeds my expectations, smashing them into a million pieces with brilliant design choices and flawless skating.

Skateboarding’s version of Dark Souls

OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

There are a few things that the Souls games are renowned for. Combat that is brutal but fair, and worlds that interact in unexpected ways, are two of the most significant. OlliOlli World continues in their footsteps, requiring precise timing and a bewildering number of connecting lines to skate.

Skating has always felt amazing with the OlliOlli series. The amount of depth the Roll7 team was able to squeeze out of the minimal control system was astounding even when the first game was launched on Vita. Roll7 is able to cram in everything a top-tier skating game requires now that it completely utilizes a controller (even on PC, you can’t play without one).

OlliOlli World, on the other hand, does not offer you the whole toolbox right away. The game is divided into five separate worlds, with tutorials still available in the fourth. This may be irritating to long-time fans, but it provides the levels a feeling of progression, allowing new players to gradually add to their arsenal. Furthermore, the early stages do not prevent you from performing the majority of the crucial actions. You may start at the first level if you know how to make a manual. The game just does not anticipate you to use them until much later in the game.

1643900971_725_OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

Riding a straight path across a level becomes significantly more difficult as the game progresses. If you want to get a high score, you’ll need to be completely focused for many minutes at a time. You’ll need to keep a combination going for a whole level if you want to beat the Local Heroes’ top scores and gain new cosmetics. That’s a difficult endeavor, but Roll7 does an excellent job of guiding you through it. There were a couple concepts at the conclusion of the game that weren’t properly described, but after a few rounds of slamming my board into them, I was able to figure them out.

Levels that continuously entice you to push and prod at the edges as you search for the ideal line are added to the tight skating. Aside from beating each Local Hero’s top score, each level contains three challenges that will put you to the test in a variety of ways. These may be as easy as hitting three advanced tricks in a single combination or as challenging as finding a path that allows you to give an NPC five high fives in a single combo.

Although not every level is equally difficult, the majority of them have offshoots that OlliOlli World refers to as “Gnarly Routes.” These branching pathways lead to extra difficulties and hidden side tasks in a few spots. You can see how the level loops around itself while skating, allowing you to go back on a future run to attempt to locate the other way. It’s a spectacle of nasty skating runs as well as a tubular level design trick that provides players lots of reasons to return to levels.

We’ve arrived in Gnarlandia.

1643900971_245_OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

You’ll be able to enjoy one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory while exploring these levels. I’m not generally one to listen to video game music in my spare time, but the rhythms in OlliOlli World are so relaxing that I kept it running in the background whenever I wasn’t playing. It’s the ideal compliment to the fast-paced action, leaving you in a near-zen-like condition while you fail line after line.

The game is also visually appealing. The pastel hues match perfectly with the game’s laid-back mood, and the unlockable cosmetics are abundant and skater-friendly. Yes, there are a few oddballs in there, but if you want to channel your inner Bob Burnquist and put on your favorite shirt and cargo shorts, it’s all there (albeit with a fake brand). Even if you don’t like your current appearance, you can always swap things up since you’re continuously unlocking new items. The icing on the cake is that, unlike many other games, you won’t be charged extra for any of it.

The plot is just sort of there, which may be the game’s one flaw. It’s hardly groundbreaking, but that’s not why you’ve come to this game in the first place. The worst I can say about this story about aspiring to be the next Skate Wizard and meeting the Skate Gods of Gnarlandia is that it’s easy to skip. That just means more skating, which I don’t consider to be a negative thing.

The final decision

1643900972_104_OlliOlli-World-brings-chill-vibes-and-top-of-the-line-skateboarding-%E2%80%93-ReviewPhotographed by

OlliOlli World is everything you’d expect from a superb skating game. It combines precise controls with a captivating universe, as well as an endlessly replayable music and relaxing aesthetics. The tale may not blow you away, but that’s not necessary when the skating is this amazing. This is a must-play whether you’re a lover of the sport or just like fantastic action games.

+ You’ll feel in control of every triumph and error thanks to the tight gameplay.
+ Levels that are well constructed and packed with potential
+ Beautiful art and cosmetics that are a wonderful match for skate culture
+ The music is jam-packed with hits.
I was perplexed by a few unexplained mechanics.
It’s a mediocre narrative, but that’s not why you’re here.


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