New Scenes From International Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Trailer

Warner Bros. released the first trailer for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and it showed off new scenes with Johnny Depp’s Dumbledore showing us some more wizarding action! Here are all the best moments from that fascinating preview.

The “fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore release date” is when the film will be released. The trailer for the film is full of new scenes.

New Scenes From International Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Trailer

New Scenes From Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore’s International Trailer



In this freshly released foreign trailer for Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Warner Bros. seems to assume that the English are unconcerned with “missing in action” Tina Goldstein or several other moments that are wholly new. Surprisingly, some of my hypotheses, such as the usage of a portkey, were right! Take a look at it below!


Let’s get started dissecting this worldwide trailer.


With John William’s “Hedwig’s Theme” playing in the background, the trailer starts with Newt and what seems to be Theseus (or maybe Bunty) peering at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although this is extremely similar to the English trailer, it sounds just like Williams.

Theseus and Newt emerge from the earth, and Theseus is surrounded by some type of beast. Hogwarts, a snitch, and a Gryffindor Quidditch player all appear in the same photo.

With a youthful Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, we glimpse a picturesque panorama of a snowy Hogsmeade. McGonagall’s presence in this series will be intriguing to discover. J.K. Rowling wrote a biography of McGonagall in 2015, but it didn’t contain any mention of Grindelwald.

We see an aged Albus Dumbledore, followed by a young Dumbledore, but with a new scene: a young Albus looking at the picture of his deceased sister, Ariana Dumbledore – the same painting that brings Harry and his companions back into Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

More mystical creatures emerge, including the bowtruckle and niffler emerging from Newt’s case, and Theseus and Newt dancing with what seem to be huge scorpions.

More glimpses of Grindelwald’s followers and his emblem surface as the trailer progresses. In Hogsmeade, we notice Grindelwald’s “Wanted” sign, as well as a fresh vision of Grindelwald peering into Yusuf’s head. Yusuf is seen with both Grindelwald and his followers, as well as Dumbledore’s pals, so I’m not sure whose side he’s on. He could be afflicted with the Imperius curse.

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

The same encounter between Albus and Grindelwald is seen in this clip, with the latter threatening to “burn down their world.”

We can see that Jacob has consented to accompany Lally, as she appears with him to (presumably) join the others. Jacob suddenly appears alone on a train, with green flames all around him and what seems to be a fireplace behind him; he may have used floo powder. “You know me, mate; I can’t pass up a nice portkey,” Newt adds as he embraces Jacob. This leads me to believe it’s either floo powder, a portkey, or an entirely other scenario after Lally emerges, since she’s not there when Jacob shows there. In the following scene, she is, nevertheless, on the train with them.

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

“Each of us has a responsibility to play in saving our planet,” Newt continues. Following the events of the second film, it is evident that Newt has chosen a side. The “team” is then revealed in flashes: Theseus, Bunty, Yusuf, Lally, and Jacob.

Jacob is dressed up and seems to be at the same dinner party as in the last clip. He brandishes a wand!

Bunty reappears in the chamber of need, laden with many baggage. We see Lally and Theseus battling other wizards once again.

Then there’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Tina Goldstein! Newt’s case contains a fresh picture of Tina, as well as a postcard of Paris (which looks to be the same postcard shown in the second film), a ticket stub from the boat Newt traveled to New York, and several doodles of mystical animals!

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

Bunty and Albus are seen again in the Room of Requirement. We witness Newt and Theseus battling magical monsters once again, and Lally performing spells at the dinner party as Queenie and Yusuf and the rest of Grindelwald’s supporters go away. I’m guessing Yusuf has been seized by the Imperius curse at this point. Jacob appears in his outfit once again.

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

Following that are more pictures of magical creatures and Albus stating, “Correct; three points to Hufflepuff.”

As buildings erupt and Credence stands in the middle of a road, a new voiceover of Credence says, “He’s not here for you; he’s here for me.” On what looks to be the same path, we observe the blood covenant and Albus kneeling over an unconscious Credence. Albus also seems to be clutching his Deluminator.

We see more of Albus and Grindelwald’s fight in this teaser, so we can presume the blood pact has been broken. Grindelwald is holding the elder wand, which will ultimately fall into the hands of the Albus we know from the Harry Potter movie.

“I pulled my wand, which was even more dumb,” Albus continues. The trailer closes with Theseus, Newt, Lally, and Jacob surrounded by pupils in Hogwarts’ Great Hall. There will undoubtedly be several hypotheses as to how Jacob can even see Hogwarts, much alone be a student there!

Fantastic Beasts intenrational trailer

The foreign trailer is significantly shorter than the English version, but it has a few new moments! The English trailer’s summary can be found here.

This April, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore will be released in theaters. It’s the third installment of a planned five-part story.

What are your impressions of the trailer?

The “New Scenes From International Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Trailer” is a trailer for the next installment in the Harry Potter franchise. The new scenes from the trailer were released by Warner Bros. on September 21, 2018. Reference: fantastic beasts 4.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I watch Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore?

A: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is available on Netflix.

Is credence a Dumbledore?

Is credence Dumbledores brother?

A: Yes, he is.

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