Monsters That Have a High Chance of Returning in Sunbreak(Some Because of Shogun Ceanataur And a Few More Reasons)

Sunbreak is a new game mode for Monster Hunter World, which pits you against a horde of monsters. The mode is available from June 28th to July 3rd and will be returning in the future with some changes.

The shogun ceanataur mhgu is a monster that has a high chance of returning in Sunbreak. It was released with the release of Shogun Ceanataur and it is one of the monsters that will be added to the game because of this.

Daimyo Hermitaur - Monsters That Have a High Chance of Returning in Sunbreak(Some Because of Shogun Ceanataur And a Few More Reasons)

Daimyo Hermitaur – For the same reason as Shogun, they feature a Japanese motif and deviant variations (which would turn into Apex presumably in Sunbreak).

• Yian Garuga – Yian Garuga is a good match for the Sunbreak theme, and he also has a deviant variation that can transform into Apex. Garuga’s roar is similar to Malzeno’s, implying Dracula and a vampire.

• Malfestio – Another deviant variation that might turn Apex; sadly, I don’t know much about Malfestio, so I can’t think of any other explanation; nevertheless, there’s still a good possibility since it has a deviant, and Shogun wouldn’t show up in Sunbreak by accident. It’s also extremely simple to discover owl inspiration in the western genre, such as the Flatwoods monster or the Owlman (people speculate that Mothman was also just an owl that people were scared of).

• Uragaan – Some people despise him, but I think he’s OK. Having a deviant earns you a place on the list since Shogun established a criteria for returning monsters. I’m having trouble coming up with a western inspiration for this character.

Tetsucabra - Monsters That Have a High Chance of Returning in Sunbreak(Some Because of Shogun Ceanataur And a Few More Reasons)

Drilltusk is a deviant with a 99.9% probability of emerging. Tetsucabra – The infant form is already in Rise. Because Guild Master Hojo prohibits hunting Tetsu’s, it wasn’t huntable in Rise (Something about his family or something idk).

• Gammoth – While some claim to be doing one Fated Four member each game, Popo appears in Rise, and Elderfrost is a deviant. Plus, although Jumbo isn’t exactly a “monster,” I’m sure they could make it work.

Monsters with the “Deviant” rationale, although it’s a little hazy:

• Astalos – I really want the fated four to return for their themes; they could simply commit to the whole fated four since it’s a little odd that Mizu and Gammoth are in the game but Astalos and Glavenus aren’t. It may possibly be inspired by stinger-wielding western monsters (which I can’t identify since I forgot).

• Glavenus – If Astalos is added, it will very certainly be Glavenus, since its armor and design are extremely European, and Hellblade is known as the “Psychoblaze Black Knight.” Plus, like Rustrazor, if Shogun gets an Apex, it’ll almost certainly have a Glaven skull.

Monsters that are virtually certain to appear:

• Great Jaggi, Great Jagras, Bulldrome, Zamtrios, Gravios, Agnaktor, Great Jaggi, Great Jagras, Bulldrome, Zamtrios, Gravios, Agnaktor – I’m too lazy to connect them all, but their “baby” versions are already in Rise. On Shogun, there’s also a Gravios skull.

• Deviljho – I’d love to see Deviljho as part of the Rise theme and a Magnamalo turf war. Since the other two invaders are already in Rise, Jho will most likely return.

• Seregios(kinda) – This is the last invader we’ve seen in the fifth generation, but considering that it’s a Flying Wyvern, Magnamalo is going to have a field day with him.

• Gore Magala – Gore is a zombie (western monster) that matches the Sunbreak motif so perfectly it’s incredible.

• Odoragan — Vampire-like creature that matches the concept of Sunbreaks.

If Nergi, Velk, Brachy, and Lagi return to complete the main roster, that would be fantastic. Anyway, this is my viewpoint; please feel free to disagree. Oh, and Monoblos for Daimyo Hermitaur’s skull, but that’s all there is to it; good hunting!

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The shogun ceanataur carves mhfu is a monster that has a high chance of returning in Sunbreak. Some monsters are because of Shogun Ceanataur and a few more reasons.

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