Introduction to Genestealers Cults Tactics: Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Genestealer cults are a common enemy for many players in the Warhammer 40k 9th edition. With their ability to infiltrate and create chaos, they can be hard to contain. This article will cover Genestealers Cults tactics as well as how you might defeat them if they become too much of a problem on your battlefield

The “tyranid genestealers 9th edition” is a new codex for the Tyranids released by Games Workshop. It includes updated rules, formations and more. The Tyranid Genestealer Cults Tactics are the most popular army in Warhammer 40k.

Introduction to Genestealers Cults Tactics: Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Genestealers cult tactics

Thieving. Infectious. The strikers who come in first. Those who like long games. This is your first look at Genestealer Cult Tactics!

It was too late by the time Imperial soldiers recognized the Genestealers were a danger. Genestealers infect people all over the galaxy, forming cults eager to welcome the “Ascension” – the Imperium’s demise at the hands of an oncoming Tyranid army.

Genestealers of Warhammer 40K 9th Edition: Genestealers Lore is an introduction to the Genestealers of Warhammer 40K 9th Edition.

There’s no way of knowing how many people have been infected by Genestealers in the emptiness or throughout the vast cosmos. Uprisings, new power groupings, and open rebellions are all symptoms of the virus. Genstealers and their cultists are sometimes only discovered after Imperial troops have been defeated, making them all the more dangerous. Because many planets’ leaders don’t actively seek for Genestealer cults and Genestealers, they fester until it’s time to strike as a strong force. 

How does an Imperial planet learn about a Genestealer infestation? Cultish graffiti regarding Star Children, abrupt disappearances of random persons, and thefts or damage to military equipment and other property are all examples of evidence. In short, it’s far too late by the time a Genestealer presence is discovered. They are present on the ground, in society, and may even have penetrated local and international administrations. 

The fervent cultists are the first to attack in battle, but only after a period of actual infiltration. Furthermore, Genestealer cultists have the ability to infiltrate the Imperial troops. While most of the Imperial military unit’s unit-specific rules are removed, the Genestealers gain some of the unit’s general skills. Because of this unique and intimate degree of infiltration, this army knows who their opponent is. 

If the Genestealers penetrate a planet that is under attack from the outside, an unforeseen or premature combat may develop. After all, they’ve invaded the planet and aren’t about to hand it up to strangers or new cosmic adversaries. 

In Warhammer 40K 9th Edition, what is Genestealer Ascension?

Genestealer Cult TacticsDarkMechanic’s Genestealer Cult

When the moment comes for the Genestealers and Genestealer cultists to expose themselves and carry out an armed takeover of the civilization they’ve invaded, it’s known as Genestealer Ascension. When subterfuge is exposed, the assault is usually rapid and brutal, signaling the arrival of a Tyranid swarm and invasion.

What Does an Ascension of a Genestealer Look Like?

At first glance, Genestealer Ascension seems to be an insurrection of the oppressed: individuals destined for mining, garbage carrying, and other unpleasant tasks suddenly rising to claim control for themselves. The Genestealer Cultists are organized tacticians who are highly equipped, so this isn’t a low-level, low-brow insurrection (often with stolen equipment). They lecture about the empire’s oppressive character before striking. They foretell the appearance of the Star Children (which are actually Tyranids who come to eat the inhabitants of the planet). The Genestealer army on any given planet by the time of the Ascension is made up of generations of infected, mutated, decaying, alien-looking beings who are proud of their obvious deformities. 

Infection spreads as the conflict continues. Imperial soldiers and local law enforcement, as well as people, get into a battle. More Genestealers join the fight against the tyrannical Empire from lower-population regions. 

Because the Genestealers are so intent on destroying Imperial control, even non-infected people and employees may be turned against the Empire by a successful uprising. As a result, ground quickly changes hands. 

This disclosure is, without a doubt, horrifying, ferocious, and unexpected. 

The Patriarch then appears and, with the help of a Magus, uses mental influence to end the first phase of the battle. Then the full-fledged Tyarnid invasion begins. It is only at this point do the cultists comprehend what has happened, as they are attacked by the Tyranids they formerly revered as Star Children. In a nutshell, they’ve turned into dinner.

The Genestealers send out a mental signal from the Broodmind that serves as a beacon for invading armies, ensuring their own doom as well as the planet they’ve penetrated. 

How many Genestealer generations must pass before the invasion is complete?

A Genestealer army is usually ready for Ascension after four generations. The fourth generation has a human-like appearance and is therefore capable of deep infiltration in high-ranking positions. In this last, fourth generation, the Magus, Biophagus, and Primus are common. 

Genestealers also tend to infiltrate society from the bottom up, working their way up to the top. Lower class fights have already started, and Imperial troops are being hacked to death with mining equipment and other rudimentary weapons by the time a high-level decision maker betrays society and exposes themselves as a Genestealer Cultist. 

Because the Imperial Guard is made up of the poorest and most despised members of society, infiltrating them first is crucial to a Genestealer Ascension that begins at the bottom. A Genestealer Curse is what this is called.

Genestealers: How Long Do They Wait?

The time it takes Genestealers to completely penetrate an Imperial culture may be hundreds of years. Genestealers might be sent off-planet to infect and invade other planets during that period. 

What is the Broodmind in the Genestealer Cult Army in Warhammer 40K 9th Edition?

The Broodmind connects the Genestealers and the Patriarch via a synaptic link. This is why annihilating a Patriarch can be so catastrophic to the Genestealers. However, a Patriarch is often replaced.

In 9th Edition, How Should You Paint Genestealers?

This is the ninth edition. The coloring of Genestealers varies based on their religion. Their glyphs are cult-specific as well. Cult allegiance reigns paramount for Genestealers, whether overt or covert, and they should be painted accordingly.

What Is the Size of Genestealer Cults?

A Genestealer Cult Army’s size is mostly determined by the size of the planet they seek to infiltrate, seize, and take to the Star Children (Tyranids) for devouring. Even the most massive Genestealer populations are usually confined to just one Patriarch at a time. 

What Worlds Are Ideal for Infestation by Genestealer Cults?

Infiltrating and infesting the Genestealer Cult is best done in densely populated worlds. The more working-class people there are in a society, the better for the Genestealers’ initial power play. 

Furthermore, a society ruled by a few wealthy individuals is particularly ripe for the grabbing. In this sort of culture, there is a high likelihood of inciting revolt, and powerful individuals of society may have a significant effect on the invasion’s success. In other words, one traitor may make a significant impact. 

The Genestealer Patriarch also possesses Claws, which are warbands. When Claws are deployed, they may fulfill certain tasks or concentrate on specific regions. When we examine how to employ Genestealer Warbands in Warhammer 9th Edition, we’ll go into Genestealer Claws in more detail. 

How Do Genestealers Appear?

Genestealers’ appearance is determined by the generation and the Genestealer Cult’s proximity to Ascension. Fourth-generation Genestealers, who can be found in the highest levels of government and other positions of power, have a Human appearance and sometimes lack hair. 

Early generations and hybrids have a distinct additional set of arms and often brandish syncthing claws. 

If You Want to Play Genestealers…

  • Motorcycles, mining equipment, hand flamers, and lasers are just a few examples.
  • Do you want to create some tough, wicked first strikers?
  • Take pleasure in deception and sabotage.
  • Prefer to take on the role of diligent planners.
  • Dramatic revelations and rapid progression are two things that I like.
  • Do you want to play a force that starts out as freedom fighters?
  • Cults and upheavals attract you.
  • Facehuggers, for example.
  • Enjoy playing a single army with numerous generations of changed creatures.
  • Are you an expert in shock troop tactics?
  • The element of surprise, for example.
  • Do you want a swarming army?
  • Do you want to fight Custodes?
  • In your life, you might use some auto-hits (or army)
  • Want to be able to attack from afar?
  • Will immediately deploy ambush tactics

Tactics of Genestealer Cults in Warhammer 9th Edition

Full Army 2019 Cult Genestealer by GranamirGranamir’s Cult Genestealer is a Full Army 2019 Cult Genestealer.

Genestealer Characters, Martial Units, and Cult Creeds are all covered in depth in the Ninth Edition. The following are the Genestealer Cult Creeds:

The Emperor’s Four-Armed Cult

Industry, secrecy, darkness, and underground worker bees are just a few of the things that come to mind while thinking about this story.

These are the Genestealers who lurk underground. These cultists are extremely productive and therefore recruited by various establishments on certain planets. Naturally, the The Emperor’s Four-Armed Cult, once shipped out to worlds in need due to their productivity, spread Purestrain Genstealers.

The Hivecult is a term used to describe a group of people

Organized, strategic, subversive, divine are some of the key phrases that come to mind.

The Hivecult is a term used to describe a group of peopleists focus on weapons procurement. They operate using ritual killings and shadowy operations. They are particularly adept at infiltrating the Astra Militarum at just the right time. The Hivecult is a term used to describe a group of people can take over larger areas of land quickly thanks to this strategy and get to every strata of society simultaneously. 

The Cog with Blades

Metal, man-machine integration are some of the terms that come to mind while thinking about this project.

The Cog with Blades Cultists are cogs in the machine of the Imperium, forming and fitting in with the foundations of society. With the help of the Holy Machine, they consider it their divine duty to integrate alien beings and machine for effective infiltration and domination. They worship the Omnissiah. 

The Rusted Claw is a rusted claw.

Nomadic, perseverance, and attrition are some of the adjectives that come to mind when thinking about nomads.

Living on the outside is an excellent approach to persuade folks who are dissatisfied with the government to change their minds. It’s also a great strategy to avoid being discovered. The nomadic Rusted Claw Cult is always on the road and may endure weeks without water or food. Many people prefer handguns over rifles. They are a group of nihilists who recognize the existence of entropy in the universe. 

The Princes of the Poor

Manic zealotry, self-sacrifice, manic zealotry

The Princes of the Poor relish in the idea of giving up their own lives in the service of the Patriarch. They are obsessively self-sacrificing. This is due to the actions of their first Magus, who was a Martyr. Claws of Pauper Princes typically include many Neophyte Hybrids happy to serve as meat shields. 

The Helix of Twists

Bio-horrors, experimentation, and corruption are all terms that come to mind while thinking about bio-horrors.

Instead of worshipping deities, The Helix of Twists Biophaguses worship themselves and see members of The Helix of Twists as shells open for experimentation. They use chemicals, medicines, and other alterations experimentally in warfare. 

The 9th Edition Genestealer Cults listed below bring variety to the game. Cult troops may follow Cult Creeds and have their own Cult Stratagems. They have Warlord Traits, Relics, and Psychic Powers that are unique to them. 

  • Innerwyrm: Uses parasites, carves flesh, and slaughters animals on a regular basis.
  • Behemold Undercult: In honor to Old One Eye, they scare themselves with ritual and favor big armoured engines and rams.
  • Star Kindred are truth searchers and visionaries who use light to smite their foes in the name of their sun deity.
  • Stowaways and infestors, the Sons of Jormungandr are noted for their patience and for spreading the Curse far. 
  • Blessed Wormlings: A death-themed Genestealer Cult, they are strictly bug-eaters. They want to eat the bugs that eat their enemies, believing that by doing so, they can gain the strength of their foes.
  • The Cult Hydraic: This cult’s splinter cells are psychically linked and will react promptly to assaults on other cells. 

Warhammer 9th Edition Genestealers Stratagems

Stratagems Unique to the Cult

A Generational Plan in the Making

Cult: The Emperor’s Four-Armed Cult

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

What it looks like: Infinite preparations are the specialty of the The Emperor’s Four-Armed Cult. 

How it works: You can only use this Stratagem once, but if your opponent uses a Stratagem (other than a Command Re-roll), it costs them +1 CP to use it again.

CP cost: 0

Discipline under Fire

The Hivecult is a cult. is a term used to describe a group of people

Battle Tactic Stratagem is a kind of battle tactic.

What it looks like: The Hivecult is a term used to describe a group of people emit devastating firestorms, surrounding their enemies in painful. 

Choose an enemy unit with no crossfire marking when selecting a Hivecult Core Crossfire unit during your Shooting phase. The chosen enemy unit is then given a crossfire marker, which is applied before any assaults against that unit are resolved. It lasts until the end of the phase, and only the designated enemy unit may be targeted by models in your Crossfire combine. 

Price: 1 CP

Xenoform Bionics is a company that specializes in bionics.

Bladed Cog Cult

Requisition Stratagem is a kind of requisition.

What it looks like: This is the pinnacle of cyborg training.

The way it works is that it happens during Muster. Choose either the Bladed Cog Infantry or the Bladed Cog Biker. Any models in your chosen unit will get a +5 invulnerability save. The cost of a Stratagem varies based on the Power Rating.

Price: 1 CP/2 CP

Demolitions on the Run

Rusted Claw Cult

Battle Tactic Stratagem is a kind of battle tactic.

What it looks like: Rusted Claw Cultists dump explosives and then leave their foes in the dust in typical drive-by manner. 

When your Rusted Claw Atalan unit performs a Normal Move, Falls Back, or Advances in your Movement phase, use this Stratagem. A single model in that unit may fire with a Grenade weapon with a specific set of dependent rules as though it were in the Shooting phase. 

Price: 1 CP

Retaliation for the Martyred

Pauper Princes is a cult.

Battle Tactic Stratagem is a kind of battle tactic.

What it looks like: Things go awry if The Princes of the Poor are unable to properly defend their beloved religious leaders. This leads them into a frenzy. 

When an opponent unit defeats a Pauper Princes Character in your army, the wound roll of any Pauper Princes model attacking in melee against the offending enemy unit receives a +1. This continues till the conflict is over.

Price: 1 CP

Bio-Horrors that are monstrous

Cult: The Helix of Twists

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

What it looks like: Adrenal sacs from The Helix of Twists Cultists release a substance that drives them into a frenzy of adrenaline-induced massacre.

When you pick a Twisted Helix Abominant or a Twisted Helix Aberrant unit to combat in the Fight phase, use this Stratagem. Special frenzy and morale test bonus rules are unlocked with this Stratagem.

Price: 1 CP

Cult Stratagems for Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestea

Below, find the Cult Stratagems for Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestealer Genestea. These are not cult-specific unless otherwise indicated. To use them, you need Genestealer Cults Detachments in your army.

Battle Tactics of the Genestealer

Bore to Death

Broodkin drill and saw their way through opposing lines, tearing flesh in the process.

How it works: In the Fight phase, use this Stratagem with a Genestealer Cults unit until the end of the phase. If you’re attacking a Vehicle or Monster unit, you may re-roll the wound roll whenever a model in your chosen unit hits with an industrial weapon.

Price: 1 CP

Rapid Progression

What it looks like: The Genestealers rush forward fast as a single unit.

When a Genestealer Cults Vehicle, Genestealer Cults Biker, or Genestealer Cults Genestealer advances, use this Stratagem. Use until the phase’s conclusion during your Movement phase. Get +6 inches to Move for all of the unit’s models instead of rolling an Advance roll.

Price: 1 CP

One who lives in the shadows

What it looks like: To evade enemy fire, Genestealers hide in the shadows.

How it works: This stratagem may be used during your opponent’s Shooting phase and lasts until the conclusion of that phase. When your opponent targets your Genestealer Cults Infantry unit, activate this ability to get exceptional armor bonuses while your unit is protected by cover.

Price: 1 CP

Extract Them

What it looks like: Genestealers are skilled at mining ore and other useful dregs from the bowels of the earth. They employ these abilities to get entry to fortified foes and extract them. 

How it works: During your Shooting phase, use this stratagem. It lasts till the phase is completed. To shoot, choose a Genestealer Cults unit. An Exposed feature is created for the unit you’re targeting if a model in the targeted unit uses an industrial weapon to assault a unit within a foot of the unit. 

Price: 1 CP

Fuel Cells that have been overloaded

What it looks like: For the Genestealers, machines have lives of their own, and they brutally take that energy and spirit to wreak havoc on their foes.

This Stratagem may be used with your Genestealer Cults Unit in the Shooting phase or the Fight phase, depending on whether your unit is shooting or fighting. When you employ an industrial weapon on a model in your chosen unit, the weapon may get overloaded. Special Damage and Strength boosts are added as a result of this.

Price: 1 CP

Monstrous Ferocity

What it seems to be: Aberrants appear to be painless. 

When an opponent assaults your Abominant or Aberrant unit during an attack in any phase, it gains the Space Marine Transhuman ability. 

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

Adding Fuel to the Fire

What it looks like: As they roll into fire range, Genestealer Cultists do a lot of damage.

How it works: During your Shooting phase, use this stratagem. It lasts till the phase’s conclusion. If you use a crossfire marker to target an Exposed target while shooting an Achilles Ridgerunners or Atalan unit, you may re-roll your hit roll anytime a model in that unit strikes. 

Price: 1 CP

Firearms in Large Numbers

What it looks like: More damage is done by concentrated fire. This is evidence.

How it works: Use this Stratagem with a Genestealer Cults Crossfire unit with 6+ models during your Shooting phase. This strategy will endure till the phase’s conclusion. When a model in your chosen unit makes a ranged attack and all of the models in the unit target a single opponent with a crossfire marker, the target is immediately wounded by a 6 hit roll (unmodified).

Price: 1 CP

Epic Deeds of the Genestealer

Dedicated Team

What it looks like: Despite damage to themselves and their truck, the team continues to battle.

How it works: During your Command phase, use this Stratagem. It lasts until your next Command phase begins. Select a single Genestealer Cults Vehicle model, which now has full wounded anytime you need to choose qualities from its profile.

Price: 1 CP


What it looks like: Due to Tyranid ancestry, avoid even cauterization with the quick-healing wounds.

How it works: During your Command phase, choose a Genestealer Cults Character model. The chosen model suffers up to D3 wounds.

Price: 1 CP

Getting Ready to Blow

What it looks like: Genestealer cults will make it no matter what it takes, giving up any asset to win. 

When your opponent destroys a Genestealer Cults Vehicle model with a stockpile of demolition charges, use this ability. This may be utilized at any time throughout the process. You don’t have to roll for it since the model explodes automatically.

Price: 1 CP

Site for data

What it looks like: Clamavus is launching a massive cyberattack. 

How it works: During your Movement phase, use this Stratagem. The Clamavus is looking for a vehicle that has deteriorating characteristics. The targeted model is regarded to have half of its remaining wounds on its Characteristics if it has a 3 or higher. 

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

Demise of Legend

What it looks like: Kelermorphs are slaughtered in a horrific and gruesome manner.

How it works: Don’t remove your Kelermorph when your opponent’s model destroys it in any phase. When the attacker has finished attacking, your Kelermorph may fire as if it were in the Shooting phase. Remove the Kelermorph from the battlefield after the assault has been resolved.

Price: 2 CP

Consciousness in Gestalt

What it looks like: Faithful minds help psychic powers to be more powerful. 

When you employ a Psychker model to produce a Blessing psychic power targeting another unit in your army, deploy this Stratagem in your Psychic phase. A unit that is targeted may be found anywhere on the battlefield. In other words, for this purpose, range and visibility criteria are irrelevant.

1 CP

Demolitions without Remorse

What it looks like: Regardless of the danger to themselves, Broodkin will ignite explosives in close proximity. For the Star Children, anything is possible.

How it works: Select a Genestealer Cults unit to battle with this Stratagem during the Fight phase. In your chosen unit, pick a model with a grenade weapon. The model can only attack with the Grenade weapon until the Fight phase finishes, and anytime the model attacks with that weapon, it gains an automatic hit on an unmodified hit roll of 2 or greater.

Price: 1 CP

Stratagems for Genestealer Requisition

The Cult’s Leaders

What it looks like: Broodcovens provide their Patriarch the ability to exercise his will in battle.

This stratagem is designed to be used with a Warlord who is also a Patriarch. When mustering your troops, use this stratagem. Choose one or two additional models (at least one of whom must have the HQ Battlefield Role) and give them one Warlord Trait. (You can only employ those Traits since these two models count as Warlords.) This is a one-time use Stratagem that requires each Trait to be unique.

Price: 1 CP

Gifts from Gene-Sire

What it looks like: Genestealers employ old weapons and artifacts that have been changed.

How it works: You may employ this stratagem while you’re gathering your army before a conflict. It only works if your Warlord uses the Genestealer Cults keyword. Assign a single Sacred Relic of the Cult to each Genestealer Cults Character model (one that they could technically equip). Each model may only have one Relic, and all of your army’s Relics must be different. Unless you’re playing Strike Force (in which case you may use it twice) or Onslaught, this is a one-time use Stratagem (in which case you can use it three times). 

Price: 1 CP

Strategic Ploy Stratagems of the Genestealer

Hunters in a Pack

What it looks like: Atalan Jackals divert their opponents’ attention away from them, enabling a friendly unit to strike at the right time.

During your Shooting phase, choose an enemy unit that is within 6 inches of an Atalan Jackals unit and visible to it. This stratagem is active till the conclusion of the current phase. When a model from a friendly unit uses a ranged attack on an enemy unit, the enemy unit is considered Exposed. 

Price: 2 CP

Lineage Genetics

What it looks like: Beasts are bloodthirsty, but that’s to be expected when Genestealer mutations and diseases have an impact on hybrids.

During your Charge Phase, choose an Acolyte Hybrids or Hybrid Metamorphs unit. This Stratagem is active until the end of your current turn. Your chosen unit may charge while Advanced is turned on. 

Price: 1 CP

Uprising with Care

What it looks like: The Genestealers’ long-term plan comes to fruition. The time for ascension has arrived!

When you would normally announce your ambush, use this Stratagem instead. 

Price: 2 CP

Secret Objectives

What it looks like: Cultists depend on secrecy in general, but it’s a particularly successful military approach. 

How it works: After you’ve chosen your agendas or secondary goals, use this stratagem. Choose one of your options, but keep it a secret from your opponent. Show your opponent whenever you gain experience or win points for your choice. This Stratagem may only be used once, and your choice must be written down privately. 

Price: 1 CP

Trap for Booby

The battlefield is littered with explosive traps owing to Genestealer Cults.

When you pick objective markers belonging to a Genestealer Cults Core unit or a Reductus Saboteur, this Stratagem may possibly deal 3 mortal wounds to an opposing unit. The bomb goes off when an opponent approaches too near. 

Price: 1 CP

Lurk in the Darkness

What it looks like: Secrecy is key, so dark cult members blend into the background, almost undetectable to anyone in the vicinity.

How it works: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, choose a Genestealer Cults Infantry unit. This lasts till the phase’s conclusion. This Stratagem enables you to take away an enemy unit’s Bodyguard ability and compel your opponent to target a model other than the nearest one. 

2 CP

Return to the Darkness

What it looks like: Cunning Genestealers slink back into the murky depths from where they emerged.

How it works: During your Movement phase, this Stratagem enables troops to pop off the battlefield and then reappear during the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase. Due to this stratagem, any unit that is not on the battlefield at the conclusion of the combat gets destroyed.

Price: 1 CP 

Putting out the Fire

What it looks like: When Broodkin fires, enemies must bunker down. 

How it works: During your Charge phase, choose an adversary with a crossfire marker. This Stratagem is active until the end of your current turn. Set to Defend, fire Overwatch, or deploy Heroic Interventions are not available to the unit you choose.

Price: 1 CP

Crawlers in Tunnels

Because of their tunneling abilities, Genestealers can get into and out of practically impossible locations (and in some cases, extra limbs). This enables them to surprise the opponent and assault them.

How it works: Using this Stratagem, you may choose an Area Terrain feature and place severe restrictions on enemy troops inside it. 

Price: 1 CP

Devotion to the point of fanaticism

What it looks like: Genestealers will go to any length for their cult leaders, thus self-sacrifice is the word of the game. 

How it works: In defense of a Primus, Patriarch, or, your Core troops may go farther, sometimes doubling their original range. 

Price: 1 CP

Engagement on the Move

What it looks like: After attacking fast, Genestealer troops seek cover.

How it works: After an assault with an Achilles Ridgerunners unit or an Atalan, employ this Stratagem. In your shooting phase, activate the Stratagem; it lasts until the end of your turn. As if it were your Movement phase, your chosen unit may move up to 7 inches as a Normal move. Until the end of your turn, you cannot declare a charge with the chosen unit. 

Price: 2 CP

Coordinated Assault is a term used to describe a coordinated assault.

What it looks like: Before the Broodkin charge, Genestealers fire on the opponent. 

How it works is as follows: In the beginning of your Fight phase, choose an opponent unit with a crossfire marker. The unit you choose must be inside the Engagement Range of a Genestealer Cults unit. Your chosen enemy unit will not be able to battle until all of your other qualified units have done so. This lasts till your Fight phase is through.

Price: 1 CP

Overloading the Nervous System

What it looks like: Sancutses may utilize psychic links to damage their opponents thanks to psychic ties to blades. This is due to the Sanctuses’ application of neurological chemicals on their blades.

How it works: After attacking with a Sanctus model, use this Stratagem during your battle phase or shooting phase. Roll 3D6 if your opponent’s model was not destroyed but suffered wounds. Compare the outcome to the Leadership trait of the adversary model. If your roll is higher, the enemy’s unit loses its aura powers until the start of your next Shooting phase; if the targeted unit is a Psyker, the unit must also suffer Perils of the Warp. This Stratagem may only be used once per unit. 

Price: 1 CP

Activate Familiar

What it looks like: Broodmind collaborates to bring shadowy creatures out of the darkness.

How it works is as follows: Select a Genestealer Cults model that comes with an alchemicus or psychic familiar. It’s likely that the familiar’s ability has previously been utilized. In your command phase, use this stratagem. The chosen model may only utilize its familiar’s ability once throughout the fight. This Stratagem may be used several times, but only once per model.

Price: 1 CP

Explosive that has been primed

The bomb has been equipped with unstable molecules by biophaguses, making it more lethal.

How it works: During your firing phase, use this stratagem. After a Genestealer Cults model fires demolition charges or a Grenade weapon, you must deploy. This stratagem lasts until the phase’s conclusion. Instead of rolling to determine the number of attacks the weapon makes, it makes the maximum number of attacks it can make automatically. 

Price: 1 CP

Frequently Asked Questions About Genstealers 9th Edition

Is it Possible for Genestealer Cults to Compete?

In 9th edition, Genestealer Cults are competitive. They’re a formidable striking force. Give them a go if you like fast-paced, aggressive play.

Can Orks be infected by Genestealers?

Orks are not a favorite species for Genestealers to infect or infiltrate, although they are capable of doing so.

Is it true that there are female genestealers?

Due to their extraterrestrial appearance, many Genestealers have indistinguishable traits. Female Genestealers, such as the female Genestealer Magus, do exist. (One of the most striking Genestealer models is the female Magus.) 

Check back soon for our Genestealers Tactics in 9th Edition. Meanwhile, please let us know what you think of Games Workshop’s treatment of Genestealers in this edition. 

Watch This Video-

Genestealer Cults Tactics: Warhammer 40k 9th Edition is a tabletop strategy game. It was published by Games Workshop in 2020. The game is designed for one or two players, and it is set during the 41st millennium. Reference: genestealer cults 2021.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are genestealers Tyranids?

A: Genestealers are not Tyranids. They are a xenos race in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

How do you use genestealers?

A: You use the S key to select a genestealer and then you can click on one of four power-ups. The different powers are for spawning, killing enemies and obstacles in your path, summoning more Genstealers, and increasing length.

Can genestealers infect Eldar?

A: Genestealers are a type of Xeno race that has been created by the Necron race and have since spread across their entire empire. This means that, no matter where you find them in space or on planet, they will always be infected with the Necrons mind-controlling force known as The Black Carapace.

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