All Zombie Types in Dying Light 2

There are a total of 6 zombie types in Dying Light 2 and each has their own characteristics. The game will be coming out on June 28th, 2019. What is your favorite type?

The “dying light 2 monsters quiz” is a fun game that will test your knowledge of the different types of zombies in Dying Light 2.

All Zombie Types in Dying Light 2

In Dying Light 2, all Zombie Types

The great part about zombie fiction involving viral outbreaks is that, like actual viruses, zombie viruses may change and evolve. Real viruses don’t change as rapidly as zombie viruses, but that’s part of what gives them their distinct taste of horror. The virus in Dying Light 2 has evolved like no one’s business, resulting in a veritable smorgasbord of mutant beasts. The following is a list of all the zombie kinds in Dying Light 2.

In Dying Light 2, all Zombie Types

  • Virals
  • Biters
  • Howlers
  • Bolters
  • Banshees
  • Spitters
  • Bombers
  • Chargers
  • Goons
  • Demolishers
  • Volatiles
  • Revenants


When a simple infection reaches the necessary level and a person succumbs to the virus, they cease to be human and become a Viral. As a new convert, the virus’s rot and rigor haven’t yet set in, therefore they retain most of their motor capabilities. They can sprint at nearly the same speed as an adult human and can climb flat walls. Virals are best battled at medium range because instead of struggling for a bite, they’ll try to pound you. 


As the virus wreaks havoc on a Viral’s body, it starts to shut down, making mobility difficult and hardening their limbs. Biters are more like traditional “slow” zombies in that they can’t move quickly or climb, but they do like to gather. A handful of people are easy to cope with, but a large group may become a nuisance. Degenerates, which have nearly fully rotted through and are even slower than typical Biters, and Hazmats, infected cleaning personnel that wear fireproof suits and flammable gas tanks, are two sub-varieties of Biters.


Zombies have a propensity to cling together for whatever reason, maybe as a residue of their long-lost social compulsions. When one person notices food, they quickly warn the others. Howlers will not attack you directly, instead emitting a piercing screech that will notify any other afflicted to your location. For these people, the best line of action is either a long-range weapon or discreet avoidance.


When you’re dealing with a lot of mutations, afflicted people might start acting strangely. The blazing green Bolters, for example, are adamantly opposed to you. They’ll take off like a rocket if they spot you approaching. Bolters, on the other hand, often carry incredibly expensive treasure, thus it may be worthwhile to pursue them.


Only a zombie who can leap is worse than a zombie who can climb. Banshees have shown impressive acrobatic ability, jumping high into the air and flying for extended distances. They’ll start scratching at you with their long, sharp claws as soon as they leap at you. Others may even utilize other zombies as launching pads. They are, however, wide open for a few minutes after landing as they ready to leap again.


The Spitters have something stuck in their throat, and they’d like to tell you about it. That item, unfortunately, is caustic acid. Spitters will try to fire their scorching loogies at you from afar, but if you go too near, they won’t be able to fight back.


Bombers have sprouted extremely volatile pustules all over their bodies after being infected with an unique surprise particularly for you. If the pustules are disturbed, they will erupt violently, destroying your health if you get too near. Get as far away from a Bomber as possible and snipe from a safe distance if you see one.


Chargers have acquired odd growths all over their upper bodies, similar to Bombers. These growths are as hard as solid stone, which is why the Chargers prefer to run at you and shoulder-check you. Of course, they can only go in a straight path, so if they miss, they’ll be vulnerable for a long time.


The most unlucky of the afflicted have a fast growth in body mass, causing them to grow exponentially in size. This results in the birth of a Goon, a colossal infected that is dragged about by a colossal rebar club. Because goons have trouble sustaining their own weight, their swings are both strong and sluggish. But don’t get too comfortable; as you wear Goons down, they’ll grow more aggressive and faster.


Demolishers are the next-worst thing to Goons in terms of size and strength, but they’re quicker, smarter, and more resilient. While Demolishers may be dealt with in a similar manner as Goons, a confrontation with them will take longer and need you to be more aware of your surroundings.


The Volatiles would win gold every time if there were a zombie Olympics. The virus has enhanced the Volatiles’ muscle structure, converting them into peak physical specimens, rather than disintegrating like regular afflicted. They can sprint, climb, and pursue as well as you, and a single strike from one will either kill you or kill you mostly. Volatiles are only present at night or in dark settings, and they should be avoided at all costs.


Revenants are very hazardous for a different reason than Volatiles: their weird “wings” emit a poisonous mist that both weakens you and strengthens surrounding afflicted. Not only that, but they, like the Howlers, can call more infected to their side. Taking on a single Revenant is like taking on a full legion of infected all at once. They only appear at GRE Anomaly Sites, thankfully.

That is all there is to it. All of the zombie kinds in Dying Light 2 are listed above. Check out the Dying Light 2 area of our website for additional information and tutorials.

The “dying light 2 wiki” is a website that gives information about the game. The site has all of the zombie types, so players can choose which one to play as in their games.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the zombie types in Dying Light?

A: The zombie types in Dying Light are called Scrakes. They have a special ability where they can stretch their limbs to attack nearby survivors, and most importantly of all, theyre faster than regular zombies as well.

Are there zombies in Dying Light 2?

Is everyone infected in Dying Light 2?

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