All new features in the free Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – perks, apartments, and more

Cyberpunk 2077 is getting a huge free DLC update with new features, including more apartments and perks for the player. The game has been out for over two weeks so it’s about time we revisited what this sci-fi dystopia offers gamers.

The “cyberpunk 2077 update ps4” is the latest update for the game. It includes a lot of new features, such as perks, apartments, and more.

All new features in the free Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – perks, apartments, and more

Due to the great success of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and their alleged greed-free philosophy, CD Projekt Red and their image as an industry darling lasted for a long time. However, the bungled launch of Cyberpunk 2077 squandered most of this goodwill. The development team is intent on regaining customer confidence, as seen by the large upgrade, DLC, and new-gen free trial.

The hour-long livestream hosted by quest designer Pawel Sasko, aptly dubbed ‘REDstream,’ was a doozy; attempting to cover every modification and feature in a 50GB patch in under an hour is undoubtedly a tremendous endeavor. Before returning to Night City, we’ve produced a list of everything you need to know.

The 2nd Amendment has some new items in stock.

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Wilson, our close buddy and weapon seller, has some new inventory. He lives in Megabuilding H10, which is the same building as V’s starting flat. All of this new gear becomes available after V speaks with Takemura at Tom’s Diner at the start of Act 2.

  • Wilson’s 2nd Amendment shop in Megabuilding H10 has new products, or you may seek for them while exploring Night City.
  • Darra Polytechnic Umbra (Power Assault Rifle) and Budget Arms Guillotine are two new weapons (Power Submachine Gun)
  • Kang Tao Jue long scope, Tsunami Gaki sniper scope, Arasaka Kanetsugu short scope, and Handyman small scope are four new firearm scopes.
  • New type of weapon attachments – muzzle brakes: 10 new muzzle brakes: 5 for handguns (RC-7 Ifrit, RC-7 Liger, RC-7 Dybbuk, RC-7 Kutrub, RC-7 Babaroga); 5 for assault rifles & submachine guns (RC-7 Aswang, RC-7 Varkolak, RC-7 Zaar, RC-7 Yokai, RC-7 Strigoi).

Combat Artificial Intelligence

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The ‘perk tree’ has been reworked to enhance overall combat balance. The’stealth’ branch has also been renamed to ‘ninjitsu.’ Each skill must be manually redistributed when patch 1.5 is loaded. “Can I create a good dil*o build?” Sasko wondered. Yes, it seems. In addition, all knives now have a boomerang-like feature that causes them to return to V after being thrown; the rarity of the knife will determine how fast it returns to V.

  • NPC melee and ranged combat AI and reflexes have been improved, including taking cover, positioning, reloading, equipping weapons, evading, blocking, and many other things.
  • Dismemberment triggers, hit responses, and death animations have all been improved, giving ranged and melee combat more impact.
  • Enemies have improved their ability to block and evade (Kerenzikov) strikes. The simpler it is to strike a weapon that is heavier. When it comes to avoiding, the reverse is true.
  • Distinct factions have different melee and ranged fighting behaviors: reckless, aggressive, balanced, defensive, and cautious.
  • Followers are now more useful in battle, although they may be defeated and temporarily crippled if they are overworked.
  • Netrunner combat has received several repairs and balancing modifications.

Crowd Fix

Cyberpunk 2077picture courtesy of CD Projekt RED

Both in and out of battle, the AI has vastly improved. If a pedestrian in a vehicle feels threatened, for example, they would dangerously ‘panic drive’ to get away from a hazardous scenario rather than wait in bumper-to-bumper traffic and pile on top of one another. Furthermore, if V turns around, a scattered throng will no longer despawn or vanish.

  • Aggressive crowd behavior: when provoked by aiming, shooting, or fighting, some NPC archetypes may and will engage in conflict with the player. This update is not accessible on the previous generation of consoles due to technological difficulties.
  • NPCs’ states are affected by time jumps, as are the states of objects, surroundings, and some situations.
  • Crowd responses, pathfinding, and despawning have been improved.

‘Quality of Life,’ says the title. Romance and personalization

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V can find a new home, with four options ranging from a lavish penthouse in Corpo Plaza to a more low-key room in Japantown. “I wanted the apartment to represent the individuality” of your V, Sasko said. Unfortunately, Nibbles, our beloved kitty-cat, will have to remain behind.

  • Visibility when driving is now more suited to first-person viewpoint, which was a huge problem that made seeing the road in front of V almost difficult. “Each automobile and bike model will feel a little bit different,” Sasko says.
  • V has the ability to alter their look in the middle of a game. There are many new hair and make-up options available, including glossy and matte lipstick. “Finally!” exclaims the audience.
  • A walk command that may be turned on and off has been introduced.
  • The gun collection in your flat is shared, making organizing simpler for the gun collector.
  • V will get a boost from sleeping and bathing. Sasko mocked V’s habit of showering completely clothed, saying, “I was startled to find people shower nude.”
  • You’ll be able to wake up close to the romanced character V, and there will be more conversation. “With the exception of Pawel, the DLC is jam-packed with items most people don’t know about,” community manager Alicja Kozera remarked.
  • The patch’s last DLC is a photomode dedicated to Johnny Silverhand. “We wanted to see what people can make since virtual photography is incredibly popular in our game and we follow it very carefully,” Sasko said.

The new-gen update’s free trial is now available on Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5, with all demo progress transferred over when purchased. After all, what better way to show that your game is functioning well than to let people play it for free? CD Projekt Red seems to have hit the ball out of the park with this one.

The “cyberpunk 2077 update review” is a blog post that reviews all of the new features in the free Cyberpunk 2077 DLC. The blog post also includes a list of perks, apartments, and more.

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