All enemy types in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

Each Serious Sam game is a riff on the first-person shooter genre and in each iteration, new enemies are introduced. The latest release of the franchise, Serious Sam: Remake brings back many old favorites from previous games including slimes, urchins and imps but also introduces some newcomers to the world of Russian gunfights.

All enemy types in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem’s adversaries include rabid bulls, bipedal chicken dinosaurs, and brain-mounted AT-STs, to name a few. Serious Sam is a show about fending off swarms of foes with a massive array of explosive weaponry, but you need to know which tool is best for the task, which involves understanding your adversary. Because there are so many adversaries in the game, we’ve divided them into categories for easy viewing. All of the opponent types in Siberian Mayhem are listed here.

Gnaar Gnaar Gnaar (Medium)

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Gnaar and other opponents with comparable shapes aren’t very dangerous on their own. They’re a little sluggish and don’t strike forcefully. They are, however, large enough to push Sam into a corner if you aren’t cautious. They generally arrive in swarms with other, harder foes, thus crowd management is essential.

Octanians are a group of people that live in the (Small and Large)

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Octanians occur in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some hurl firebombs, others grenades, and still others wield laser rifles or sniper rifles, but they all have one thing in common: they can be taken down with a single shot from most weaponry. On the battlefield, they usually offer fire support for more hazardous opponents. The Octanian Zealot and Legionaire, which resemble huge Spartans and assault you while guarding their front, and the Octanian Commander, who hides behind an energy shield while unleashing a barrage of Sam-seeking missiles, are the two exceptions to this rule.

Kamikaze who was beheaded (AAAAAA)

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Werebulls and Kleer Skeletons (Medium)

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Due to the deafening pounding of their hooves, Kleer Skeletons and their living equivalent Werebulls are medium-sized foes that you can usually hear before you see. They’ll always come at you in a straight line, seeking to bully you. Kleer Skeletons are slower than Werebulls, but they compensate by having a ranged assault in the shape of a ball-and-chain.

Draconian Burners are a kind of burner (Large)

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Serious Sam has a new opponent type: Draconian Burners. These monstrosities are equipped with dual thermal beams that sweep over the battlefield. They also have a jetpack, which allows them to effortlessly strike from the air and fly around. When they close the gap, they will strike with an AoE fire stomp, therefore heavy weapons is suggested to take them down from a distance.

Enemies in the Air (All sizes)

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Combat Drones will be the most frequent flying adversary, and they can be easily eliminated with a single shot from most weapons. The Witch-Brides and Haemovores, which are flying adversaries that will phase in and out of existence, making them incredibly difficult to hit, are less prevalent and considerably more bothersome. They normally hesitate for a second before attacking, so be ready to fire with your shotgun or crossbow before they flee. There are also Technopolyp Helicopters, which must be attacked with powerful weaponry like Rockets or the Raygun, since they will fire limitless missiles at you, swiftly depleting your health and armor.

Bio-mechanoids and Khnum (Large)

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Khnum are bipedal tanks that grow increasingly numerous as the game develops. These foes are impervious to bullets and rockets and may respond with fireballs that latch on to Sam. Their melee assaults and charges will deplete Sam’s health quickly, so be prepared to side-step. Bio-mechanoids are a bit easier to deal with – bipedal walkers with massive brains — and the trick is to shoot them in the mouth.