All Underground Cathedral Mokoko seed locations in Lost Ark

In Lost Ark, the player takes on the role of a young boy who must save his friends and their lost world from collapsing. The game features an expansive 3D environment with intricate puzzles that require players to move items around in order to get past obstacles.
The goal is to collect all 8 seeds across six levels while avoiding enemies like zombies and dragons. Players can also find other upgrades like extra lives or new weapons along the way.

The “mokoko seed locations lost ark” is a location in Lost Ark. It is the only place where you can find the Mokoko Seed.

All Underground Cathedral Mokoko seed locations in Lost Ark

In Lost Ark, getting out and exploring the world is half the enjoyment. The map is enormous, and there are several items to be found. The Mokoko Seeds, which are found all throughout, are one of the most significant of them. There are over 1200 of these seeds to locate, and depending on your class and build, you may utilize them to gain a variety of prizes.

The issue, of course, is that not all Mokoko Seeds are readily available. The seeds concealed under East Luterra’s Underground Cathedral region, in particular, may be difficult to locate. If you’re having trouble finding them all, here’s where you can locate them and how to obtain them.

What happened to the Mokoko Seeds from the Underground Cathedral?

All-Underground-Cathedral-Mokoko-seed-locations-in-Lost-ArkPhotographed by

There are eight Mokoko seeds in all in the Underground Cathedral, as well as a slew of cultists to contend with and peasants to save. The Blackrose Chapel’s basement is located here. Keep a watch out for these brilliant green, glowing pods as you rush through the dungeon. The aim is to save all of the folks you come across. Area effects and distant attacks may mistakenly damage them, so be cautious.

Mokoko Seed 1: When you first enter the dungeon, you’ll have to face a few opponents. Turn left and descend the stairwell. Keep a look out for any locals in this area and try not to strike them. The idea is to entice the cultists away from them before launching an attack.

Return to the entrance after this group of peasants is secure. Take a right and go down the trail. Continue beyond the fence until you reach a set of stairs. Ascend the stairs and circle around until you reach a large table. Next to the table will be the first Mokoko Seed.

Mokoko Seed 2: Return to the gate and unlock it. Following the way via the altar chamber is a good idea. Fight the enemy here, taking care not to harm the citizens in the seats, before heading north. Your best hope is to move across the middle of the room, away from the villagers, and concentrate on battling towards the far end. Along the way, you’ll descend more steps and face some more foes. Make a point of visiting the alcoves along the tunnel – read the Note on the map above for further information. You must defeat certain adversaries in order to get all of the seeds.

Continue north after they’ve been taken care of. There will be a fork in the way. Some enemy will be holding a group of people captive to the left. Before moving to the right, kill the adversaries without harming the people. Continue north on the route until you come to another locked gate. Without opening the door, turn left. Killing additional foes in this region will lead you to the second Mokoko Seed, which is hidden behind a corner in a tiny chamber.

Seeds 3, 4, and 5 of the Mokoko genus: Return to the north, where the gate is closed. There will be another battle inside against a swarm of cultists as well as a monster. Complete the task. Following that, the process is quite straightforward. Follow it until you get to a room that looks like a torture cell. The cultists are all torturing people, making it difficult to separate them. Notice how the names of the citizens are now in blue? As a result, your strike will have no effect on them, allowing you to unleash your fury.

This is especially true when you ascend the stairwell to the north. Save the civilians by killing the cultists in the chamber to your left. Because you’ve saved all of the people to this point in the dungeon, the gate to the north will open. Three Mokoko Seeds may be found in the chamber on the left. Two of them are on the north wall, and one is in the room’s southwest corner.

Follow the trail around to the east, slaying those pesky cultists along the way. Mokoko Seeds 6 and 7: You’ll see a locked gate leading east. Don’t worry if you can’t open it right now. Continue south until you come upon a horde of cultists and a boss. That gate should open after they’ve been taken care of. If it’s still shut, you’ll have to go back and locate some foes you missed. To locate those pesky cultists, search every nook and cranny of the dungeon. You’ll discover some treasure and two Mokoko Seeds within this chamber.

Mokoko Seed 8: There is just one seed to discover from here. Simply continue south until you get to a chamber with several shattered pillars. The last Mokoko Seed may be found on the map above, along the southern trail. There are no specific qualifications to get it, so take advantage of the opportunity when it arises.

Simply finish the dungeon and enjoy your new bounty of seeds.

The “lost ark mokoko seeds log hill” is the location where you find all of the underground cathedral seeds in Lost Ark.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find mokoko seeds?

A: Mokoko seeds can be found in the wild, but it is difficult to obtain them. Alternately, they are sometimes bought on Ebay or through other websites as a novelty item for people interested in collecting unusual plants.

Where are all the mokoko seeds in Luterra castle in Lost Ark?

A: The mokoko seeds in Luterra castle can be found on the third floor of the library.

Where are all the mokoko seeds in Prideholm?

A: Mokoko seeds are an item that drops only from the mokoko enemies in Prideholm.

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