How to build and expand upon the Link Generation deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

The Link Generation deck is a powerful card that can provide an early game advantage. This article covers how to build and expand upon the Link Generation deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

The “yugioh master duel link generation deck” is the most important card in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. It allows you to generate a Link Monster that can be used as an attack or defense on your turn. This article will teach you how to build and expand upon this deck.

How to build and expand upon the Link Generation deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

While the three structure decks available at the start of Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel are meant to be tweaked and iterated upon, newcomers to the series and meta experts alike seem to agree that the default Link Generation deck lacks the necessary elements to be competitively viable, even when compared to its two structural contemporaries.

Link Generation promotes the quick summoning and frequent fusing of low-level standard monsters into a variety of link monster kinds for the purpose of link-based fusion. “Extender” cards, which specialize in special summoning many monsters onto the field, are a requirement in order to supply the majority of the fusion fodder required for this procedure to occur.

Furthermore, given the amount of deck resources invested into the link climbing process, a high statistical ceiling for the end product link monsters summoned is required to reward experienced and competent players for chaining fusions and keeping their play alive.

The purpose of this expansion isn’t to completely redesign the deck with too complicated or uncommon cards, but to provide players the tools they need to prolong fusion plays and organically boost the deck’s ceiling without changing Link Generation’s core structure.

Collider and other bruisers are being removed.

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As we said in our guide to playing Link Generation, the deck’s link monsters bear the brunt of the fighting and hard lifting, as they can chain abilities together and depend on the deck’s field spell, Cynet Universe, to raise their own ATK capabilities. While the ordinary monsters are fairly weak and shouldn’t be depended on to win battles on their own, their ease of summoning makes them essential to the link summoning method.

Standard monsters with a higher base ATK that need a tribute or special summon to even enter the field don’t exactly suit this ideal mold for instantly deployable fusion fodder. Two normal monster kinds supplied with Link Generation, however, fall into this category: two Suppression Colliders and two Dual Assembwurms. By removing these four cards from the deck, four more strategically beneficial monsters may be added.

Related: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s Best Trap Cards (2022)

Extending and extending instead of replacing

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More extenders would tremendously help this reworked Link Generation deck, allowing for longer fusions. 

  • 2x Parallel eXceed — this card may be special summoned from the player’s hand, and it special summons a duplicate of itself.
  • 1x Backup Secretary — if the player already has a cyberse monster card in play, this card may be special summoned.
  • 1x Balancer Lord — players may normal summon one additional cyberse monster in addition to the regular normal summon each round if this monster is summoned.

Related: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s Best Spell Cards (2022)

Adding to the mix: The more the merrier

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While Link Generation includes five link monster cards in the extra deck by default, players may add up to ten additional link-based extra cards to the pool of possible summons, some of which have more power or usefulness to offer them more choices as they advance.


The Linkuriboh is a link rating 1 monster that may be tributed to avoid its own annihilation when an enemy monster strikes, then called back from the graveyard to redeploy a link monster for future fusions.

Whereas the Linkuriboh’s successor apparent, the Link Spider, would be killed if not fused into something stronger, the Linkuriboh can simply hide in the cemetery and survive, making it suitable for times when the player lacks the resources to link climb above the first tier of link monsters.

Masquerena, I:P

Masquerena is a link rating 2 monster that may interrupt an opponent’s activities to connect with another of the player’s summoned monsters during their turn. For the duration of that round, the higher-linked monster cannot be killed, allowing players to uplink without fear of the resultant monster being destroyed prematurely.

Crusadia Avramax, Mekk-Knight

Avramax is a formidable link monster with a link rating of 4 who, in addition to having 3000 ATK:

  • Cannot be destroyed by card effects that work against it.
  • While active, is the sole monster that opponents may attack with attacks.
  • As long as the monster it attacks was special summoned, it gains ATK equal to that of the monster it attacks.

Avramax ensures that if the player can fuse up to the fourth link rating, they will be able to do sustained damage while simultaneously maintaining and safeguarding a large and diverse field of link monsters. Simply simply, Avramax ensures the endgame in this edition of Link Generation.

The Power of the Dragon deck streamlines this form of advancement if players would prefer skip the connection system and return Yu-Gi-mechanics Oh’s to their origins.

The “best yugioh master duel starter deck” is a product that has been made by the company Konami. This product is a good option for beginners and those who are looking to expand upon the Link Generation deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel.

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