Lost Ark Sharpshooter Leveling Guide

Competitive shooters are not just about who can get kills faster. You have to level up your weapons and gear, as well as your character’s skills so you can be competitive at a high enough skill tier that you don’t constantly die in the game. This is where Lost Ark Sharpshooter Leveling Guide comes in handy.

The “lost ark sharpshooter build” is a guide that can help players level up their character. The guide includes the best gear to use and tactics for combat, as well as tips on how to get better at the game.

Lost Ark Sharpshooter Leveling Guide

This guide will teach you all you need to know about the Berserker class in Raiders of the Lost Ark, beginning with an overview of its strengths and weaknesses, abilities, and our recommended builds for leveling, solo PvE, groups, and PvP.

The Berserker is a new character in the game.

Berserkers are generally formidable fighters, with deadly greatsword strikes and effective defense, but nothing can stop them when they enter Fury mode. They have access to a specific talent that inflicts the most misery on their adversaries when in this extreme condition, which increases their mobility and attack speed.

Berserker’s Function

The Berserker is a Warrior archetype in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s a pure DPS character with a gigantic two-handed sword that cuts its foes.

The Berserker is a pure DPS class that excels mostly in resistance and burst damage. In PvP, his only purpose is to wreak havoc on the battlefield. This is one of the most straightforward classes to play: you just charge forward and slice through your opponents.

Identity of a Berserker

Rage is his Identity Skill (and, in a manner, his major passive), and it fills up with hits delivered and received. When the Berserker’s Rage is over, he enters Frenzy and glows brilliant red, increasing his attack, mobility, and critical chance. Rage provides you access to the ultimate talent, Blood Rush, after it is fully charged.

After you’ve used all your wrath, you’ll have to wait 30 seconds before you can replenish it.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Berserkers

Strengths: – High DPS – Simple to understand and play – Resilient – Excellent starter class

Weaknesses: – No team buff – Limited range – Average mobility

Berserker Abilities

Level Icon Skill CD Type Description
10 Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Assault Knife 5 Normal A full-damage diagonal slash is executed by you.
10 1644447489_748_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide a criminal threat 9 Normal To deliver damage, you leap and swing your sword. You then launch foes into the air before knocking them down and delivering damage to them.
10 1644447490_611_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide A notch on each sides 6 Normal With each strike, you fire an X-shaped slice with your greatsword, doing damage.
10 1644447491_718_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Last but not least, 18 Normal To do damage, slay your Greatsword.
10 1644447491_941_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide shoulder burden 14 Normal You charge 7 meters towards the cursor, inflicting damage on any foes in your way.
10 1644447492_284_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Cyclone 24 Maintenance To do damage, spin for 3 seconds.
12 1644447493_687_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Power that is restrained 18 Normal Condense your power into your Greatsword to harm and knock down all around opponents.
14 1644447493_461_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Slashing Storm 24 Combo You charge 4 meters towards your target and slice through adversaries, doing damage and knocking them into the air. Perform a spinning strike and deliver damage before finishing with a downward punch in a combination.
16 1644447494_553_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Strike by Ley 12 Normal Stomp the earth with your foot to strike all opponents within 4 meters, dealing Earth damage and causing a 2 second Earthquake.
18 1644447495_600_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Narrowing notch 16 Targeting You may leap up to 8 meters from the cursor’s position, then slap foes in the face for damage and knock them into the air.
20 1644447495_143_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide sword with a chain 15 Normal You fire a diagonal vertical slash that does X damage and propels foes into the air.
20 1644447496_189_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Blade of the Infernal 36 Maintains To do damage, you thrust your greatsword into the earth. To attack 6 times, hold for up to 1.5 seconds. Toss foes into the air by landing a finishing move at the right position.
24 1644447497_981_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide blades of wind 20 Normal While charging foes, you wield your sword.
28 1644447497_319_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Maelstrom 15 Combo You bury your Greatsword in the ground to inflict damage, then raise it to send forth a shockwave that draws opponents in and delivers damage.
32 1644447498_393_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Strike Crashing 36 Charged You concentrate your might into your greatsword, then thrust it forward to break the earth. This talent may be charged for 0.8 seconds to inflict damage.
36 1644447499_855_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide red dust 30 Normal To deliver damage, you swing your greatsword upwards. Enemies absorb more damage after a successful assault.
40 1644447499_772_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Swords in the Storm 30 Normal You jump while spinning counter-clockwise, then smash the ground to create a Swords in the Storm that deals damage and knocks down enemies.
50 1644447500_388_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Aura Blade is a magical sword. 16 Normal You slice through the air rapidly and unleash a wave of energy that strikes adversaries from afar.

Skills for Awakening

Level Icon Skill CD Type Description
50 1644447501_646_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Fury Unleashed 5 mins Charged To activate the skill and execute a strong strike, you fill your blade with energy. To finish this skill, you must charge it. The harm increases as the charge level rises. The attack range expands as the charge level rises.
50 1644447501_393_Lost-Ark-Sharpshooter-Leveling-Guide Chain of vengeance 5 mins Normal You deliver damage by releasing energy chains, then luring foes in. After pushing foes back and causing damage to them, a massive explosion happens.

On Lost Ark, we propose the following builds.

You may store up to three skill trees in Lost Ark. You may alter your build at any point throughout the game for free (outside combat and when your skills are not on CD). We’ll discuss about “Tripod” in the following lines. If you’re not sure what it is, check out our explanation of the Lost Ark Tripod system.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an ideal construction. We offer a few designs that we believe perform well, but most importantly, we encourage that you discover your own build that is the most enjoyable for you.

Build a Berserker Berserker Berserker Berserker Bers

Add a point of Tripod to “Shoulder Charge” at level 11 to achieve “Excellent Mobility.” This is one of the Berserker’s key mobility spells, so don’t forget to use it to get through enemy packs quicker. When you reach level 18, you’ll be able to utilize “Dive Slash,” a handy mobility ability if the charge isn’t enough.

At level 20, you may take points away from other talents to prioritize “Final Strike.” It’s a talent that requires you to deduct Tripod points from other abilities, but it’s a potent one.

“Cyclone” and “Slashing Storm” are must-haves for Berserker leveling. These are two great AOE skills that will allow you to hit a lot of enemies together. Start by riding “Cyclone” as soon as “Finishing Blow” is at its maximum and end with “Slashing Storm”.

Build for a solo Berserker in PvE

Focus on area damage and mobility abilities while playing alone. Gather your foes and slaughter them.

Berserker PvE Build for a Group

In raids, single-target damage on bosses is preferred, and restrict your movement to a minimum to escape their strikes.

PvP Berserker Build

The Berserker must do a lot of damage and has several control skills in PvP. Build up your Rage rapidly so you can perform your Awakening talent and link your abilities together before your opponent reacts.

In PvP, here’s our build idea for the Berserker. Always remember to adjust your build to each of your opponents.

– Shoulder Charge: Movement – Finishing Strike: Heavy damage and combo to finish the opponent – Slashing Storm: Control – Earth Strike: Control – Plunging Slash: Mobility and Control – blades of wind: Mobility – Red Dust: Damage – Swords in the Storm: Control

The “lost ark sharpshooter skills” is a guide that helps players to level up their Sharpshooter skill in the game. The guide includes detailed information on how to get better at the game.

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