The Book of Boba Fett – Season 1, Episode 6, “From the Desert Comes a Stranger”

In the new episode of “Star Wars Rebels,” with Boba Fett as a guest, we get to see how he and others come into Rebel society. The show is one of my favorites on Netflix, but I wanted to know what it was like for someone who’s not all about fighting and lightsaber duels every day

The “the book of boba fett release date” is an overview for the sixth episode of the first season of The Book of Boba Fett. This episode, titled “From the Desert Comes a Stranger”, was released on October 20th, 2018.

REVIEW: The Book of Boba Fett – Season 1, Episode 6,

Season 1, Episode 6, “From the Desert Comes a Stranger”  The Book of Boba Fett



Cobb Vanth is dealing with a gang of Pyke spice dealers who have drifted into his settlement in “From the Desert Comes a Stranger.” Mando then appears in Luke’s future Jedi training school. He meets R2-D2, who brings him further into the grounds before deactivating him. Din waits for Luke, but it’s Ahsoka Tano who welcomes him instead. She persuades him not to disrupt Grogu’s training and accepts his present for Luke. Fennec requests additional troopers in Boba Fett’s castle, and Mando believes he has the solution. He begs Cobb Vanth and his people for help, underlining the Pyke’s danger to Tattooine as a whole. Vanth says he doesn’t want to get into another brawl, but he’ll see what he can do. Garsa’s house is bombed by the Pykes. When a bounty hunter arrives in town and gives Vanth an ultimatum to keep out of the battle, things quickly spiral out of control. Grogu may choose between the armor Mando left for him and Yoda’s lightsaber, as well as the life that comes with each.

Boba Fett From the Desert Comes a Stranger

I didn’t think they could top last week’s “The Mandalorian Returns,” but depending on your criteria, I believe they have. That episode was more focused and tighter, but “From the Desert Comes a Stranger” is pure fun from beginning to end. I’ve been enjoying The Book of Boba Fett a lot, and I’ve been forgiving of elements that other people didn’t like. I was pleased with what we were receiving and thought that something greater was on the way. Now that something has arrived, I believe they have created a monster. With its tone, supporting characters, and action-packed adventures, this show could easily pass for The Mandalorian. Not only is Boba Fett outshone by the Mandalorian himself, but also by side characters from Mando’s show who I never expected to see here. “From the Desert Comes a Stranger” is a Star Wars TV highlight reel, bringing back characters adored by fans of all eras of the franchise. The amazing thing is that it works so nicely, rather than coming across as a succession of forced appearances designed to build anticipation for the conclusion. It was thrilling to see Cobb Vanth take down that Pyke party. Dave Filoni pays tribute to the ideas that inspired George Lucas to create Star Wars in a brief sequence that seemed like something out of a Western. In “From the Desert Comes a Stranger,” Timothy Olyphant’s Vanth is expertly cast, never overstaying his welcome or taking over too much.

Boba Fett From the Desert Comes a Stranger

The conclusion of his gunfight with Cad Bane astounded me once again. Bane is always brutal and excellent at what he does, but I didn’t anticipate Vanth to lose or die under any conditions. Is he still alive? Will his people unite behind Boba Fett in order to exact vengeance on the Pykes and Bane, or will the Weequay bartender lead them down the cowardly path? Cad Bane is absolutely stunning in real life. I’ll confess that this isn’t a character I expected to receive the treatment, but the end product speaks for itself. Until I recognized the design of the hat, I had no clue who might be approaching Vanth. I’m delighted Corey Burton returned to do the voice as well; I don’t think anybody else could do it nearly as effectively. Maybe he’ll be a recurrent nemesis if The Book of Boba Fett gets additional seasons (which I expect it will). His design and demeanor are both quite cool, and not something I expected to transition well to live-action. They might also utilize this to reenact the death battle Bane was supposed to have with Boba Fett in a canceled Clone Wars narrative arc. Obviously, the timeframe and circumstances would be different, but I’d love to see it. The Pykes are finally demonstrating their ruthlessness by bringing Bane in and blasting Garsa’s tavern. Cobb Vanth is my main worry, although I presume Garsa and her entourage are dead now.

Boba Fett From the Desert Comes a Stranger

Everything was fantastic on Luke’s world as well. It’s absolutely amazing, and the music used with these settings is fantastic. Grogu’s training was hilarious, and I really enjoyed it when Luke informed him of Yoda’s existence. Luke lifting all of the frogs in response to Grogu’s one seemed like a classic Star Wars moment. It was also a lovely touch to have Yoda riding in Luke’s backpack. Grogu’s fixation with the ship departing was fascinating. He has no means of knowing whether or not it is Din’s new ship, so he either detects him or links every spaceships with him. In any case, I’m not sobbing; it’s you who is! Even Luke and Din’s interactions with Ahsoka seemed natural, despite the fact that I hadn’t expected to see her. For a long time, a Luke and Ahsoka meeting has been on my wish list, and I just wish there was more of it. I’d want to watch their initial meeting, as well as any scenes in which she tells him about Anakin from back in the day. That could always be a flashback in the Ahsoka show, but seeing them together at all was a joy.

Boba Fett From the Desert Comes a Stranger

There isn’t much Boba Fett in this episode, what with Mando, Luke, Ahsoka, Grogu, Vanth, Bane, and others! He just appears once, and if my memory serves me well, he doesn’t say anything throughout his war meeting, other than nodding along. It’s strange that my two favorite episodes so far include so little of the show’s protagonist. I’m wondering, as I did last week, whether this was a wise step for the tale of this series. This is The Book of Boba Fett, not The Book of Various Star Wars Characters and their Weird Adventures. However, these episodes have a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm that the others lack, despite the fact that, as I already said, I have loved the season overall. This may be due to the fact that Bryce Dallas Howard and Dave Filoni directed their respective episodes. I believed Robert Rodriguez would be a wonderful match for The Book of Boba Fett after seeing him film “The Tragedy.” However, I’m no longer convinced. The instances in which he was overtaken by other creative voices seem to be more powerful than the ones in which he steered himself. It’s a pity, since between Boba Fett’s untimely death in the original trilogy and his whining kid depiction in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, his debut in The Mandalorian was the only thing that piqued my interest in the character. But now we’re down to one episode, and I’m guessing it’ll be a hurried one at that. I’m more concerned about the Jedi rule on attachments and whether Baby Yoda prefers a shirt or a sword than with Boba Fett.

Plot – 9
Acting (10 points)
9 – Progression
10 Production Design
Taking Action – 10



Despite just getting a brief sight of the titular character, “From the Desert Comes a Stranger” is a delightful and enjoyable feast of popular Star Wars characters that develops each of them and well sets up the conclusion.

“The Book of Boba Fett” is a Star Wars fan fiction series by “G. M. Berrow”. The story follows the adventures of Boba Fett, who is hired to track down and capture the last surviving Jedi in the galaxy. “Season 1, Episode 6, ‘From the Desert Comes a Stranger’” was released on June 3rd, 2019. Reference: star wars 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cad Bane in Book of Boba Fett?

A: Boba Fett is not a character in the Star Wars universe.

Who is the mysterious stranger in the Mandalorian?

A: The mysterious stranger is a character introduced in the Star Wars canon. He appears in Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones and can be seen on Coruscant during Obi-Wan Kenobis duel with Anakin Skywalker.

Did Boba Fett know he was a clone?

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