Adeptus Custodes Tactics Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

The Adeptus Custodes are the personal bodyguards of the Emperor of Mankind. The Custodians enforce stability through their supernatural powers, and they use both science and sorcery in conflict. With this guide you will learn how to get started playing with these powerful warriors in a Warhammer 40k game.,

The “1000 point custodes 9th edition” is a list of the Adeptus Custodes Tactics Warhammer 40k that you can use for your games.

Adeptus Custodes Tactics Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Adeptus Custodes Tactics

This is the Warhammer 40k Adeptus Custodes Tactics Handbook! The brand new codex is out, and we’ve broken down all of the improved rules, as well as some of the mythology, for you.

The Emperor’s elite guards and companions are known as the Adeptus Custodes. They have a lengthy history with the Emperor, having accompanied him during the Great Crusade and several previous wars. The Adeptus Custodes are a close-knit group that keep their ceremonial history and origin narrative a well guarded secret.

9th Edition Introduction Custodes Adeptus

The Adeptus Custodes are depicted in recorded history as gold-clad soldiers who are intimidating and towering. The Emperor himself designed the Custodians for this reason, bearing in mind their ability to function as intimidating bodyguards. The Adeptus Custodes serve as the Emperor’s inner circle in all things political and consultative, in addition to supplying power. They’re all eunuchs to avoid becoming distracted from their mission. 

Much of the literature surrounding Adeptus Custodes, now known as the Imperium’s security force, is deliberately buried or lost to time, implying that there are many mysteries yet to be revealed about this elite army. 

What we do know is that on Prospero, the Adeptus Custodes are supposed to have fought the Thousand Sons. They look to be the embodiment of the Emperor’s holy light. They are both inspired and generated by his splendour. Custodians are often recruited as children from aristocratic Terran families. The Custodians wield questionably unrivaled power via prayer, sacrifice, and arcane vision. 

The process of forming this army, also known as the “Ten Thousand” in Warhammer, is military in nature: each individual’s personality and aspects must be rewritten to embrace a broad skill set. This remodeling is both behavioral and genetic in nature. The effort is more exact than that necessary to make a typical Space Marine, which is said to require a wide range of specialties and talents. 

“A Custodian becomes duty,” according to the Adeptus Custodes Codex for Warhammer 40K 9th Edition. He is the epitome of loyalty. Despite their unwavering commitment, the Emperor demanded that Custodians retain certain distinct features. 

Who Are the Sisters of Silence, and What Do They Do? 

The Adeptus Custodes now includes the Sisters of Silence. Because they are soulless, these witch hunters are the ideal complement to the Adeptus Custodes. The Sisters of Silence, also known as Null Maidens or Pale Scourge, have a shady past. What is known is that their goal is to find psykers. They don’t talk because they’ve made a vow of silence, but they communicate with each other in a sign language-like manner. 

Solar Watch, Emissaries Imperatus, and Shadowkeepers are the three groups that make up the Adeptus Custodes’ shield hosts. 

If you want to play Warhammer 9th Edition Adeptus Custodes, you need…

Adeptus custodes tactics ContemptorWest40k’s Adeptus Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought9

Take pleasure in the unique characteristics of great characters.

As though you were painting gold models.

If you want a high amount of weapon customization, this is the game for you.

Guns are similar to halberds.

Are you enamored with Captain-General Trajann Valoris’ legend and want to represent him in your army?

Do you like a Roman-inspired look? 

Do you want to have some jet motorcycles in your army?

9th Edition Adeptus Custodes Stratagem Overview

Adeptus Custodes Shield Host-Specific Stratagems in Warhammer 9th Edition

Amalgam of Esteem

Emperor’s Chosen Shield Host

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

What it seems to be: Individual abilities combine to form a tremendous, overpowering force. 

How it works is as follows: Pick an Emperor’s Chosen unit during your Command phase, then choose another shield host’s combat style. The attributes of the second selected shield host are applied to models in your chosen unit, replacing the Magna Imperator combat style. This Stratagem lasts until your next Command Phase begins.

Price: 1 CP

a dreadful responsibility

Shadowkeepers are the Shield Hosts.

Battle Tactic Stratagem is a kind of battle tactic.

What it seems to be: The Shadowkeepers’ will allows them to overlook part of the harm they receive. 

When your opponent attacks your Shadowkeepers unit (except Vehicles) in any phase, the attack’s Strength is reduced by one. This lasts till the phase’s conclusion.

Price: 1 CP

The Moiraides’ Golden Light

Dread Host: Shield Host

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

What it seems to be: The Dread Host boards a magnificent battleship, then disembarks with the Emperor’s light shining behind them.

How it works is as follows: During your Movement phase, use the From Golden Light ability to place your Dread Host on the battlefield. This Stratagem grants you the ability to deflect Overwatch or Set to Defend until your next turn starts, as well as a -1 to your opponent’s hit roll until your next turn begins.

Price: 2 CP

Honor’s Shield

Aquilan Shield is the Shield Host.

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

The Aquilan Shield is one of the most robust defences.

How it works is as follows: Use this strategy when your opponent decides to fire with one of their troops during their Shooting phase. From your own army, choose a single Imperium Infantry Character. This Stratagem’s mechanics allow you to avoid being targeted on your unit. 

Price: 1 CP

The Strike of the Eagle

Solar Watch is the Shield Host.

Strategic Ploy Stratagem is a kind of stratagem.

What it seems to be: The Solar Watch attacks with ferocity, surprising and perplexing their adversary while acting quickly.

How it works is as follows: Get a -1 to the Combat Attrition test for an opponent unit until the conclusion of the conflict when your Solar Watch unit defeats an enemy Warlord in any phase. 

Price: 1 CP

Into the Unknown

Emissaries Imperatus, Shield Host

Battle Tactic Stratagem is a kind of battle tactic.

What it seems to be: Even in the most dangerous regions of the galaxy, the Emissaries Imperatus will do all in their ability to fulfill the Emperor’s orders.

How it works is as follows: Prior to the start of the first round, choose an Emissaries Imperatus Core unit at the start of the first combat round. This Stratagem’s rules enable the selected unit to make a Normal Move while in the Movement phase. This is a one-time-only Stratagem. The price is determined by the number of models included in the referred unit.

Price: 2 CP / 3 CP

Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition Standard Stratagems

Adeptus custodes Contemptorwest40k’s Adeptus custodes contemptor dreadnought8

Battle Tactic Stratagems for 9th Edition Adeptus Custodes

Genetic Alchemy of the Arcane

What it seems to be: Adeptus Custodes are excellent soldiers thanks to genetic upgrades and the associated individual advantages. 

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem at any time throughout the game. Your opponent’s unmodified wound roll of 1-3 on an attack against a non-Vehicle Adeptus Custodes unit in your army is unsuccessful. This lasts till the phase’s conclusion. The cost is determined by the number of models in your unit: for three or less models, the cost is one CP. It costs 2 CP if there are more than 3 models in that unit.

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

A Huge Step Forward

What it seems to be: Custodians ride their jetbikes like the wind, eliminating their foes and conquering fresh territory whenever they breach opposing lines.

How it works is as follows: Activate this Stratagem during your Fight phase, and it will persist until the conclusion of that phase. When consolidating an Adeptus Custodes Biker, use this. When a model in your Adeptus Custodes Biker unit consolidates, it gains an additional 3 inches of movement.

Price: 1 CP

Shieldwall of the Praesidium

What it seems to be: The Adeptus Custodes are masters at constructing shieldwalls. They are typically impenetrable due to their better praesidium shields. 

When your opponent uses a melee attack against a Custodian Guard unit during the Fight phase, each model in your unit obtains a praesidium shield. When your opponent makes a melee attack against this unit, the assault’s hit roll is reduced by one.

Price: 1 CP

Mark of Death

What it seems to be: Enemies fear being marked by the Vigilators for a reason: they have a little chance of surviving. 

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem before the start of the first combat round’s first turn. Select a single enemy unit to battle. You may re-roll the hit roll whenever a model from your Vigilators unit assaults the designated opponent unit (until the end of the game).

Price: 1 CP

Avenge the Victims

When a Custodian dies, the Bell of Lost Souls rings on Terra, stirring vengeance among the other Custodes. 

How it works is as follows: Deploy this Stratagem during the Fight phase, and it will remain active until the conclusion of the phase. To combat, choose an Adeptus Custodes unit. Attack bonuses are awarded depending on reduced Strength and Starting Strength.

Price: 1 CP

Nightmare Slayers are a group of people that specialize in slaying nightmares.

When the Adeptus Custodes are attacked by Voidspan, they do not cower. They are unwavering in their support for Humanity and the Emperor’s grandeur.

How it works is as follows: Deploy this Stratagem during the Fight phase, and it will remain active until the conclusion of the phase. To combat, choose an Adeptus Custodes. Gain a +1 to the wound roll when a model in your unit assaults another unit with a greater Toughness characteristic. The cost is determined on the number of models in your unit. The fee is 1 CP for groups of three or fewer. If there are more than three, the penalty is 2 CP.

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

The Emperor’s Talons

What it seems to be: The Custodes’ might cannot be underestimated when they are united as a singular force of strength.

This Stratagem may be used at any time throughout the game. After battling or firing with an Adeptus Custodes unit, you may utilize this. Within 6 inches of the Adeptus Custodes unit, choose an Anathema Psykana unit. Whenever an Anathema Psykana unit attacks, the attack’s hit roll is increased by one until the end of the phase.

Price: 1 CP

Sweep of Purgation

What it seems to be: Witchseekers pour fire on their enemies, as if to curse and condemn them.

This Stratagem may be used during your Shooting phase or during your opponent’s Charge phase. It lasts till the phase is completed. To shoot, choose a Witchseekers army. The witchseeker flamers mode gives you an extra +1 strength boost. 

Price: 1 CP

Epic Deed Stratagems in Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition

Warhammer Adeptus custodes contemptor dreadnought4 Adeptus custodes contemptor dreadnought by west40k

Unending Vigil

What it seems to be: The Custodes’ loyalty to the Emperor is palpable in combat, with only death as a result.

How it works is as follows: During your Fight phase, use this Stratagem. Choose an Adeptus Custodes Character model that was destroyed during the phase without having the opportunity to battle. Instead of being removed from play, the model may continue to battle until the assaulting model of the opponent has finished attacking. Remove the Adeptus Custodes Character from the battlefield after the assaults have been resolved. 

Price: 2 CP

The Moritoi have a lot of knowledge.

What it seems to be: In the Dreadnought sarcophagi, experienced warriors inspire supporters around them, rousing them to victory in combat.

How it works is as follows: During your Command phase, use this Stratagem. It will persist till the start of the following Command period. Select a Dreadnought from the Adeptus Custodes. Aggressive Precision or Inspirational Warrior auras are given to the chosen model. These auras allow you to re-roll a wound roll or a hit role, as appropriate.

Price: 1 CP

The Machine Spirit’s Retaliation

What it seems to be: Even under the worst of conditions, even after the most heinous loss, the Custodes’ robots manage to inflict harm on their opponents with determination.

How it works is as follows: During your Command phase, use this Stratagem. It will persist till the start of the following Command period. Select a model of the Adeptus Custodes Machine Spirit. When determining the model’s qualities from its profile, this Adeptus Custodes Machine Spirit figure functions as though it still possesses full wounds.

Price: 1 CP

Engines that are unstoppable

What it seems to be: Even in the face of intense conflict, machines keep going.

When an Anathema Psykana Vehicle or Adeptus Custodes Vehicle model would normally lose a wound due to a lethal wound, use this Stratagem in any phase. To prevent wound loss, you must roll. This effect will persist until the conclusion of the phase you choose to use it in.

Price: 1 CP

The Process of Getting a Name

What it seems to be: Custodians might be given names and titles in recognition of their heroic acts in the Emperor’s service.

When your non-named Adeptus Custodes Character model eliminates an opponent Character unit in a melee attack, activate this Stratagem. You may pick a marshal ka’tah or a shield host combat style for your Adeptus Custodes character and use it until the conclusion of the conflict. This isn’t useful in Crusade engagements, and you may only use it once each non-named Adeptus Custodes character.

Price: 1 CP

Warhammer Requisition Stratagems Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition

Activate the Vaults

What it seems to be: The Adeptus Custodes use sacred relics in their never-ending battle for the Emperor’s glory.

This stratagem is meant to be used during mustering before a war. It must be applied to a Warlord who has the Adeptus Custodes or Anathema Psykana keyword. A Relic of the Vigil is given to the Anathema Psykana model, whereas a single Relic of Terra is given to the Adeptus Custodes Character model. The model must be given a Relic that they are eligible to wear. Every Relic in your army must be one-of-a-kind. This Stratagem can’t be utilized to give a model a second Relic. Unless you’re playing Onslaught (when you may use it three times) or Strike Force, this is a one-time use Stratagem (you can use it twice).

Price: 1 CP

Heroes of the Emperor

What it seems to be: The Emperor’s Talons Champions demonstrate their superior leadership qualities on the battlefield for the glory of the Emperor. 

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem before the conflict during mustering. It must be used on a Warlord with the keywords Adeptus Custodes or Anathema Psykana. A Warlord Trait is given to the Anathema Psykana or Adeptus Custodes model that is chosen (one it is eligible for). It is solely considered a Warlord for the purposes of this Trait. The Trait must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model more than one Warlord Trait. This Stratagem can’t be utilized to give a model a second Relic. Unless you’re playing Onslaught (when you may use it three times) or Strike Force, this is a one-time use Stratagem (you can use it twice).

Price: 1 CP

The Blood Games’ Winner

What it seems to be: Terra’s stalwart defenders are a terrifying danger to all adversaries.

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem before the fight but after you’ve decided on a Warlord Trait for an Adeptus Custodes Character model that isn’t named. Select an extra Warlord Trait for the non-named Adeptus Custodes Character you’ve chosen. You may only employ this Stratagem once, and the Warlord Trait must be unique.

Price: 1 CP

Eternal Penitent is a term that refers to a person who has

Custodians aim to acquire penitence by volunteering to serve in the tomb of a Dreadnought. 

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem before the conflict during mustering. Apply a +1 to the Attacks characteristic of a single Adeptus Custodes Dreadnought unit. A charge roll re-roll mechanism and a bonus are also included in this Stratagem. You are only allowed to use this Stratagem once.

Price: 1 CP

Strategic Ploy Stratagems in Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition

Contemptor Artwest40k’s Adeptus custodes contemptor dreadnought3

Heroes’ Fraternity

What it seems to be: The Custodians’ commitment to the Emperor and each other is so strong that they will go to great lengths to protect one another.

How it works is as follows: In the Heroic Interventions step, use this Stratagem during your opponent’s Charge phase. The impact of this stratagem lasts until the conclusion of the phase. Select just one Adeptus Custodes unit. A Heroic Intervention in the manner of a Character unit may be performed by the Adeptus Custodes unit selected.

Price: 1 CP

Discretion in the Military

What it seems to be: 

How it works is as follows: After choosing a ka’tah stance during your Command phase, use this Stratagem. It will persist till the start of the following Command period. Choose an Adeptus Custodes unit and then a ka’tah stance that is inactive. Instead of your active stance, the chosen Adeptus Custodes unit benefits from the new ka’tah posture. The price is determined on the number of models in the unit you choose. It costs a single CP if there are four or less models; it costs two CP if there are more than four.

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

Invincible Defenders

What it seems to be: Foes fail to remove Custodians from their objective.

How it works is as follows: After an enemy unity has battled, use this Stratagem during the Fight phase. Select a single Adeptus Custodes unit that is combat eligible and within range of an objective marker. After that, your chosen model will fight.

Allow the Lions to Run Free

What it seems to be: Allarus Custodians impressively push into battle, demonstrating tenacity against their foes.

How it works is as follows: This Stratagem lasts until the conclusion of the conflict and is best used during the Command phase. Select an Allarus Custodians unit that has at least two models. Every model in the chosen unit becomes its own unit. If there are three or less models in the selected unit, the cost is one CP; if there are four or more, the cost is two CP. Note that Crusade fights include extra mechanics. 

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

Take up the Mantle

What it seems to be: When one Custodian falls, another steps up to continue the Emperor’s mission.

How it works is as follows: After your Warlord has been destroyed, use this Stratagem. Select a different Adeptus Custodes Character model. If it does not already have one, this unit acquires the Warlord Trait of the destroyed Warlord. Your Warlord is now your chosen Adeptus Custodes model. It lasts till the conflict is over. Please keep in mind that there are extra objective and objective secondary regulations to follow.

Price: 1 CP

Fire and Maneuver

What it seems to be: Even while they strategically move to more enforceable positions, Adeptus Custodes maintain fire on their enemies.

When an Adeptus Custodes unit with Fly Falls Back is deployed during your Movement phase, use this Stratagem. Despite the Fall Back, the unit may still fire; this effect lasts until the end of the round.

Price: 1 CP

The Cost of Desperation

What it seems to be: Null-Maidens rend enemy psykers who dare to stand against them.

When an enemy Psyker unit within 18 inches of an Anathema Psykana Infantry unit falls under the impact of Perils of the Warp, use this stratagem during your opponent’s Psychic phase. Increase the damage by D3 fatal wounds.

Price: 1 CP

The Emperor’s Favor

What it seems to be: The Emperor’s favor provides strategic advantage and bravery to his Custodians.

When your opponent picks your Adeptus Custodes unit as a target, use this Stratagem. This stratagem may be deployed at any time throughout the game and will persist until the conclusion of that phase. There is no way for your opponent to re-roll wound rolls, damage rolls, or hit rolls while your Adeptus Custodes unit is the target of an assault. If there are 4 or less models in the chosen unit, this Stratagem costs 1 CP; if there are 5 or more, it costs 2 CP.

Price: 1 CP / 2 CP

They Arrive from the Golden Light

What it seems to be: Teleportation is an actual godsend for Adeptus Custodes. They can appear in the middle of the battle, potentially turning the tide in their favor with this action and technology.

How it works is as follows: Use this stratagem before the fight during the Transports and Declare Reserves steps. Select a single Adeptus Custodes Dreadnought, Adeptus Custodes Biker, or Adeptus Custodes Infantry from the Adeptus Custodes Dreadnought, Adeptus Custodes Biker, or Adeptus Custodes Infantry. They get the ability of Golden Light.

Price: 1 CP

Severance of the Empyric

What it seems to be: Null-Maidens prevent psychic manipulations and manifestations on the battlefield. 

When your opponent’s Psyker unit passes a psychic test (after a Deny the Witch attempt, if at all) during your opponent’s Psychic phase, deploy this Stratagem. If an enemy Psyker is within 18 inches of your Anathema Psykana Infantry unit, deny the psychic power. On a 4+ D6 roll, the psychic power is denied.

Price: 1 CP

9th Edition Adeptus Custodes Wargear Stratagems

Hold the line at all cost!At all costs, maintain the line! by Reidawen

Advance Payment is Paid

What it seems to be: Hidden behind a screen of smoke, transports may move undetected.

How it works is as follows: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, use this Stratagem. When your opponent attacks an Adeptus Custodes Smokescreen or an Anathema Psykana Smokescreen unit, use this ability. When your opponent attacks this unit, the attack’s hit roll is reduced by one. This lasts till the phase’s conclusion. 

Price: 1 CP

Tanglefoot Grenade is a kind of grenade that may be used to

What it seems to be: This Stratagem limits Movement or Charge speed for your opponent’s army. The impetus for the success of this Stratagem is 12 inch proximity to an Adeptus Custodes Infantry. This Stratagem is for use at the beginning of your opponent’s Charge or Move phase and can only be used once per turn.

How it works is as follows:

Price: 1 CP

Homer can be teleported.

What it seems to be: A teleportation device deploys soldiers to the greatest area of need.

How it works is as follows: Choose an Adeptus Custodes Homer can be teleported. to move during your Movement phase. Take the unit off of the battlefield. When it comes to the Reinforcement step of the Movement phase, reset the unit on the battlefield. It must be within 3 inches of one of your Vexilus Praetor or Aleya models. 

Price: 1 CP

Psyk-Out Grenade is a kind of psyk-out grenade.

What it seems to be: Psi-refractive particle grenades cause psychic damage to enemies.

How it works is as follows: Choose an Anathema Psykana Infantry unit during your Shooting phase and select it to shoot. When the unit is not in Engagement Range of enemy units, a 2+ on a D6 roll can result in Perils of the Warp for the nearest enemy Psyker unit within 6 inches.

Price: 1 CP

Have you had a chance to look at the Adeptus Custodes from 9th Edition yet? What are your thoughts on any adjustments or enhancements made by Games Workshop? Who are you going to pit this army against? Please let us know what you think in the comments section below.

More Adeptus Custodes Tactical Moves?

Do you still want more? We’ll gladly fulfill your request. To begin, read our Custodes Tactics beginner’s tutorial here. Also, see out the Tyranids versus. Custodes Battle Report video!

The “goonhammer custodes 9th” is a new edition of the Adeptus Custodes. The book includes rules for using the Adeptus Custodes in Warhammer 40,000 games.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are custodes good in 40K?

A: In Warhammer 40,000 it would be difficult to say whether or not that is good. If you are looking for a list of some general rules about the best units in 40K though, Id recommend checking out this article.

Do Adeptus Custodes have Psykers?

A: Adeptus Custodes are not a psychic race.

Do the custodes have a primarch?

A: Yes, the primarchs are individual characters within their own story.

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