Renekton’s Best Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) –

Renekton is an incredibly powerful champion in League of Legends. He has incredible damage and his passive makes him more difficult to kill than some other champions. However, he does have a few weaknesses that will make it advantageous for you to pick another champ instead if you find yourself struggling with Renekton’s oppressive gameplay style. In any case, these are the best ranked skins available for Renekton.

Renekton is a melee champion in League of Legends. He has a unique kit, and he is one of the best champions in the game. His skins are also very good. Here’s a list of his best ranked skins.

Renekton’s Best Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) –

As we look at League’s favorite crocodile, Renekton, it’s now time to show some love for my buddy SRO.

We’ll examine at all of his cosmetics in detail and rate his whole collection.

So, depending on the overall attractiveness and pricing range of each skin, we’d want to see which one comes out on top. Because if you’re going to dominate top lane, you may as well do it in style.


Renekton, Renekton, Renekton, Renekton, Ren

Rune Wars Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 30th of April, 2012 was the day on which the film was released. The price is 975 RP.

For a variety of reasons, we’re going to start with Rune Wars Renekton.

To begin with, the subject of Renekton as a soldier in fantastic armor has already been covered by a few skins, so it doesn’t seem very unique.

Second, considering what it offers to the table, this skin is just too pricey.

You do receive some blood mist particles on your ult, to be sure. However, it seems to be haphazard and unsuitable for him.

With ruby crystals in your shoulder pads and runes on your back and sword, the character model is really cool. But it’s not enough to warrant the 975 RP price tag.


Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton

Bloodfury Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: July 26th, 2011 The price is 975 RP.

This skin suffers from the same flaws as Rune Wars.

It’s a little different since your skin is crimson and you acquire horns to complete the demonic look. However, it still seems like a cosmetic that offers too little for the price.

Bloodfury Renekton’s ult contains the same red particles as the previous one, however I think it matches this design a lot better. The splash art is also rather badass, which is always a plus.

All of this is to say that the skin is just a more stylish version of Rune Wars, but it isn’t cool or distinctive enough to justify a 975 RP price tag.


Renekton, Renekton, Renekton, Renekton

Galactic Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 18th of January, 2011 was the date of publication. The cost is 520 RP.

I’ll never know why this skin is referred to as “Galactic.”

It does, however, have a certain allure.

The fact that you’re albino is the most appealing feature of this skin, which no other Renekton skin can boast. Also, for a very low price, you get a really decent character model.

In fact, even your particles get recolored to blue, making this skin feel a bit more distinct & making for a slight advantage if you’re playing Aram.

Despite this, Galactic Renekton is still a little lackluster.

It has no primary aesthetic other than Renekton’s skin tone, which sounds sort of… huh.


Renekton, a prehistoric creature

Prehistoric Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: 14th of June, 2015 The cost is 750 RP.

Isn’t it a little redundant, given that crocodiles are already walking dinosaurs? Yes.

Is it, however, still really cool? Yes, as well.

Even though Prehistoric Renekton just modifies your character model, it’s simple to understand why it’s so popular among Renekton gamers.

With horns protruding from your head and fins running down your back and tail, you seem much more wild and menacing.

The splash image looks like it belongs on a movie poster. Because the skin is in the same vein as the main model, all of the animations and particles work nicely with it.

Overall, it’s not a huge departure from the basic skin… It does, however, make you appear a lot cooler, so it’s worth a look.


8. Renekton Hextech

Hextech Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: December 20th, 2018 10 Gemstones for the price of ten

Hextech Renekton excels at certain areas and struggles at others.

First, let’s look at the positives. It’s quite nice to have a bionic arm. Plus, your blade has mini jetpacks to show your W, your backing motion has you blasting into space, your back batteries pop up when you ult, and there are some pretty great electrical particle effects.

On the down side, this skin makes me think of a platypus. This isn’t a fantastic criticism.

Also, your blade is clumsy, and the pricing is simply too excessive — besides, the robotic motif has previously been done in a manner that is much cooler.

So, if you can see beyond those flaws, I’m certain you’ll have a good time with this.

But I don’t believe it’s worth as much as it’s asking.


Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Rene

SKT T1 Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 17th of August, 2016 was the date of publication. The price is 975 RP.

I simply have to say that whomever thought of making Renekton wield the SKT T1 emblem as a weapon deserves a raise.

Sure, it seems to be a lot less dangerous than his typical sword. However, it also symbolizes the pinnacle of inventiveness!

This skin has a lot of Chad energy in general.

From the loving crowd present at the time, to your team flare on your ult, to the fact that you can spy people’s power levels… This skin has a unique appearance.

But I can’t place it that high since it contradicts Renekton’s primary champion fantasy. It’s also not amusing enough to get brownie points in the comedy category.

But there are certain aspects of its style that I will always like.


Renekton, Renekton, Renekton, Renekton

Outback Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 18th of January, 2011 was the date of publication. The cost is 520 RP.

The finest skins are sometimes made up of the simplest concepts.

Riot simply pitched “Renekton, but Australian,” and everyone went crazy over it.

True, the skin merely alters the character model. But that was all we truly needed to fall in love with this beauty.

A gorgeous leather jacket, a leather fedora, a knife on your hip, and a boomerang blade are all included. Renekton has a long life ahead of him.

Even the splash art is just stunning.

I’m not sure what more to say. Renekton from the outback is basic yet wonderful.


Renektoy is number five.

Renektoy Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: March 29th, 2017 The cost is 750 RP.

Renektoy comes to mind when it comes to basic concepts that simply work for some reason.

My wallet gently creaks open whenever a skin’s name is a pun. As a result, this was a no-brainer.

There are no new animations or particles included. But it doesn’t matter with such a nice character model and seven various chromas to select from.

The character model is a little goofy. It does, however, have a surprising level of detail, as you can see how each moving element is linked.

Also, murdering someone with this skin is instantly more amusing since you resemble a Toy Story side character.

If you appreciate the look, this is a pretty basic and amusing skin that is well worth the money.


Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Rene

Scorched Earth Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 10th of February, 2014 was the date of release. The price is 975 RP.

Renekton had never occurred to me as a fire-type Pokémon, but I can see it now.

The theme of this skin is fire. So, for all of your basic abilities, passives, and ults, be prepared for some hot particles.

Adding fire to everything may seem to be a cop-out. But it works in this case, since nothing screams “I’m going to murder you” like a crocodile lit on fire by his own rage.

In terms of character design, we get some steampunk action, with the highlight being a furnace-like device on your back that ignites as you’re performing your ult.

Earth is scorched Renekton has a killer crock vibe going on, and I’m here for it.


Renekton’s Pool Party

Pool Party Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 9th of September, 2013 was the date of release. The price is 975 RP.

This is the skin for you if you want to ball on a budget while also tilting your foes off the face of the earth.

As you beat people to death with a rescue board and blast into your whistle when you’re ready to drown them with your ult swirl, the character model has maxed out Chad energy.

Irony is a huge aspect of this skin, as you can see.

The backdrop animation is, of course, the true reason people love and loathe this skin.

It’s one of the easiest things to spam in the game. At level two, you can guarantee it’ll cause others to tower dive you.

So, if you don’t care about looking badass and would rather simply have a good time, this is the place to be.


Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Renekton Rene

Blackfrost Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On March 5th, 2020, the film will be released. 1350 RP is the price.

Blackfrost Renekton makes you feel like a mountain that one day awoke and decided to fight.

Your background animation looks like Godzilla colliding with that Ice Age squirrel. Your particles are all weighed down by a snowstorm.

Furthermore, your character model portrays you as a terrible legend.

I was even contemplating making this skin my top choice since it ties in so well with Renekton’s original champion concept while also making the whole process considerably cooler.

I honestly have nothing negative to say about this skin. It just descended from its throne due to feature creep.


Renekton is the name of the project.

PROJECT: Renekton Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On May 27th, 2021, the film will be released. 1820 RP is the price.

This skin did not appeal to me at first.

I simply thought the entire “robot motif” had become a little too common and generic. Renekton’s transformation into simply another person within a mech made me dislike it even more.

But after staring at it for more than two minutes, I can see why it’s so popular.

The legendary price tag is worth it just for the ult. It makes you feel like you’re in charge of a deadly mech.

You’ll also find gauges for your fury and the remaining time on your ult, as well as a handy kill counter to keep track of your slaughter.

I also discovered that the helmet may be toggled on and off. As a result, I’m unable to deduct points for something that is optional.

I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of what PROJECT: Renekton has to offer.

So, if you’re a Renekton main with a big budget, do yourself a favor and do some research on this one, since it’s without a doubt Renekton’s greatest skin.

Watch This Video-

The “best renekton skin reddit” is a website that allows users to vote for the best skins in League of Legends. The site also provides an explanation for each skin, as well as a list of champions it can be used on.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many skins does Renekton have?

A: Renekton has three skins.

What rank is Renekton?

A: Renekton is a top laner, the most powerful role in League of Legends.

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